
Has anyone detected pregnancy within the first few days after implantation?

by Guest45518  |  earlier

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I believe that implantation started three days ago. If this is true- when would be the earliest I could take a hpt?




  1. i had mild cramps around 7 dpo which would have been implantation cramps i believe, and tested 3 days later and got a positive  

  2. depends on your conception day.... try two weeks from then...

    and make sure you take it using your first morning urine.. its okay

    to get a negitive if you do and still feel like you are take one again

    in a few days... <3 best of luck if you wish on becoming pregnant

  3. need to wait until close to your expected period or when you are late.

  4. I was able to get a positive pregnancy test about 5 days after implantation (with a dollar store test too).  It was a very very faint line, but each additional day I tested and the line got stronger.  Good luck to you!

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