
Has anyone done Monty Robert's join-up successfully??

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I have a 5 year old mare that was at a trainers for 6 weeks. She chewed the bit, stumbled and felt like a freight wagon.. Another trainer did the join-up on her and we are now doing fine. I have a 5 year old paint mare that bucked me off 2 years ago. She wanted to go to the barn and I didn't. Would the join-up make her not buck or just less likely to. I have a wonderful new hip and the neuro surgeon said ride but don't get bucked off. Both mares were ridden by a trainer as 3 year olds but never out of the round pen. They did not know how to go the left when he brought them back.




  1. Not to be a glass half empty type, but as a former orthopedic nurse, I hate to see you risk the mess you could make of that prosthetic hip by riding anything but the most safe and sensible horse...even they can challenge you once in awhile.  Join up may go far to solve the problem, but it's no guarantee.  I'd give this a lot of thought.

  2. Yes it can work also Clinton Anderson and Chris Cox  

  3. Join-up would probably work, though it's just part of the ground work that gets a horse to give to the pressure you put on it so many times that following your directions is in it's muscle memory. As for riding it I would get someone else you trust who uses methods you approve of to do the actual riding and exposing it to different objects. I don't think I've ever had to jerk on a horses mouth or hurt it uneccesarily. I've given them a whip with the end of my reins when they are being stubborn, but if they're genuinly frightened I try to help them over come it and the more things they get over fright of the less it seems they spook at new things. Good luck.

  4. Yes! I know someone who has doen it and she can get her horse to follow her the whole way arond the feild across the yard and into the sand school it works.

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