
Has anyone done a study to see the average spillage of a coal train?

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Has anyone done a study to see the average spillage of a coal train?




  1. Transportation fact concerning all modes...air/sea/land/rail...By far the smoothest method of transportation is by rail. INsurance studies concerning claiims agains rail carriers ahve proven  that statistic year after year. As a matter of fact it is not even close.....Virtually no coal is lost while in transit barring any aborted traveling such as a sudden emergency braking of course...

  2. Sure, they look at that a lot, even .1% would be significant, any spillage at loading or unloading facilities is cleaned up and the coal blowing off cars in transit is not enough to be measurable.  

  3. Most CERTAINLY... as Andy points out, today there is VERY little spillage.  BECAUSE there were studies that determined that there was quite abit of spillage.

    If you look at a modern coal-load, it looks like an uncooked bread-loaf... it doesn't rise up as high as the top of the hopper... so that nothing is disturbed.

  4. You mean how much coal falls off a loaded coal train while it's moving? Virtually none.Maybe a piece or two here and there,but i have had coal trains that had chunks of coal sitting on the edge of the cars that was still there at the end of the trip.

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