
Has anyone done the 200 Fly LC meters before?

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i'm suppose to swim the 200 butterfly tomorrow but I'm really nervous. Its LCM so its going to be really tough. Any pointers/suggestions/tips? how should I swim it? Have any of you swam it before? thanks sooo much




  1. I preferred 200 fly long course vs. short course. "Down and back" x 2 was less taxing mentally for me compared to all the turns in short course. I hope you find it the same way.

    Breathe 2-up / 1-down from the very start. Keep stretched out. Force those hips up high on the stroke you don't breathe. And hang in there!

  2. I did it once. I'm not going to lie to you, it was hard, but I was proud of myself when I could look back on it and say that I finished it and went back to do the 200 yds, though I haven't swam it in a meter pool since then. What I would suggest is that you breathe frequently, at least every other stroke and follow a pattern in your breathing the entire time. Conserve your energy, don't start sprinting the second you jump into the pool. Also don't panic, if you find yourself getting worried before your race do whatever you need to to calm yourself down. Good luck and have fun!

  3. No I hevn't because i'm 10 and they only have that at like milwaukee meets.( big city) But try to keep a pace,go easy fly is not my stroke it tires me out. Good Luck!:)

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