
Has anyone drank beer in a Pub in Australia ?

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And where was that at and what did you think about it ?




  1. Yes... which one do you want to know?

  2. Just about a pub on every corner here in Oz.  Of course been to a lot when much younger.  Haven't been for a while.  Beer, well that's a good cheap drink....................

  3. What a question to ask an Aussie.  Yes and in many places, what did I think of it, great experience.

  4. Yes, I have.

    Too many pubs to list here, anyway I can't remember them all now.

    Different thoughts at different pubs.  Some pubs I didn't like, others were great, and some were in between.

  5. Yes I have, I would say a lest half the pub's in Brisbane, A few in Townsville, One or two in Darwin and I have had a few in small towns and large all around Australia. Also tomorrow I will have on in the local pub and then on Friday I will have more then a few beers.

    I think that some like beer and some like spirits like rum (mmmmm rum (drool). But I think that Australian beers are a good as you will find anywhere in the world and they are great to drink after a long, hard and hot day at work.      

  6. Has any Aussie (of age of course) not been to a pub !!!

    Will be going this arvo to my local workers pub...nice cold beer and a great view to sit and drink by.....gum trees,,cockatoos,,,rainbow lorrikeets........aahhhhh beautiful one day...perfect the next,,,what a life !

  7. not for a long time(last saturday)& got quiet happy(1/2 pissed) & had a good time

  8. Pretty much every Australian over 18, and quite a few tourists have accomplished this challenging task.  I have done it all over the place.  Generally it was cold and refreshing.  Usually I was thinking something along the lines of what a good idea it was.

  9. Goodness - if you're asking australians you'd be hard pressed to find one that hasn't had a lot of beers in a lot of pubs.  I travel a lot so could write a book about Qld/NSW pubs.  I could wax lyrical for hours!  Did you want to know something specific?

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