
Has anyone driven SR429 From Poggibonsi to Montevarchi?

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I am considering visiting Gaiole in Chianti, but was also planning to drive to Siena from Florence on the Raccordo Autostradale Siena-Firenze. If leave Siena and come back to SR429, how long does it take to drive SR429? Is it a very bad or dangerous road? I would leave Gaiole and continue driving to the A1 [E35] to return to Florence.




  1. What's your definition of bad or dangerous? The road is fine, as in, it is well kept. However, Italian roads are narrow and in this area quite windy and you'll find others driving on them faster than you probably would, thus passing you on these windy, narrow roads.

    That said, the roads in this area are all worth driving as the views are beautiful. However, you are going to want to consider that taking them is going to take some driving time. My guess is that from Siena to Gaiole you are talking at least 45 minutes if memory serves and then from Gaiole to Montevarchi (where you'll get the A1) another 45 minutes minimum.

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