
Has anyone earned their National Board Certification?

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How long did it take you? Do you think it was worth it? What are you doing differently now that you have your certification?




  1. I received my National Boards in special education this year. It was extremely rigorous and the scoring was very stringent. I did it to clear my credential, and will also receive $20k over four years as long as I teach in a low performing school (each state has a different incentive). I feel that I improved my teaching practice in ways that will continue, primarily in the depth to which I observe student skill levels and evaluate true mastery of a skill.

    Would I recommend it? No, not really. Many don't receive the money, and there has been little else to commend the experience...many who try, fail. I am hoping that the certification will make a difference when I want to teach at college levels.

  2. I haven't, but my parents have.  I know that they worked on it for quite a while (several months), although I was out of the house at the time, so I don't know exactly how long.

    They've both said it was worth it, and have been able to teach many continuing ed classes during the summers because of it.  They've also been able to influence curriculum choices and inter-class projects (elementary) because of being National Board Certified.  I don't know how it has affected their pay scale, but I know that they have both taken on leadership positions in their schools and districts.

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