
Has anyone eaten at a Gordon ramsay restaurant, how big are the portions and was it nice???????

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Has anyone eaten at a Gordon ramsay restaurant, how big are the portions and was it nice???????




  1. I've never eaten at any but it looks like the portions are average sized and that yes they are fancy restaurants on television.

  2. SMALL portions and that sort of "poncey" food

  3. Sufficient and delicious.

  4. Yes the food is superb as is the service and the ambiance....

    portions are of normal size, nothing too large, but you dont leave hungry either.......

    Highly recommend eating at his restuarants....

  5. No, but Id LOVE to, I love h***s Kitchen

  6. when i was in college my tutor told me of when he went (because i was doing catering at the time)

    he said the service and food werent very good and the only good thing was a free bottle of wine

    however this may have just been a one off

  7. Gordon Ramseys gob was big,..and he was`nt nice!!

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