So my first month off clomid, I was camping and then I lost my temp thermometer So I lost um 7 days of temps on my chart, Or more because I got a new one and I didn't like it so I got another. It is better!
But When I resumed my temp chart, My temps were low, then i had a spike near the end of my month, day 30 of my cycle it is usually 32-35 days. so It looks like I ov on day 30 but then I got my period 5 days later? crazy, but now I am in my second month and my temps are staying mid range..they are not low and they are not high.
I also feel sick at night and my head hurts too, but no boob pain.
I can't figer it out because I don't think I even ovulated at all.
I did a preggo test, which was - thought I did it in the evening.
I don't what to do another test, because I hate the feeling of hope.
If my crazy body stuff is still around for the next 2 weeks then I might try again.
thank you for listening and the help!