
Has anyone else, had their body go crazy after clomid?

by  |  earlier

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So my first month off clomid, I was camping and then I lost my temp thermometer So I lost um 7 days of temps on my chart, Or more because I got a new one and I didn't like it so I got another. It is better!

But When I resumed my temp chart, My temps were low, then i had a spike near the end of my month, day 30 of my cycle it is usually 32-35 days. so It looks like I ov on day 30 but then I got my period 5 days later? crazy, but now I am in my second month and my temps are staying mid range..they are not low and they are not high.

I also feel sick at night and my head hurts too, but no boob pain.

I can't figer it out because I don't think I even ovulated at all.

I did a preggo test, which was - thought I did it in the evening.

I don't what to do another test, because I hate the feeling of hope.

If my crazy body stuff is still around for the next 2 weeks then I might try again.

thank you for listening and the help!




  1. im on 2nd month of clomid. i o'ed (confirmed by dr) but period never came. i am four days late and it never happened b4. i tested but bfn. i am starting to thik it is clomid making my period whack. maybe???? would love to be pg but test said nope

  2. clomid can do alot of strange things during the womens cycle, to confirm that it is actually making you ovulate though, get confirmed by a doctor. it is a simple blood test that you will take approx 21st day of your cycle. explain to the doctor what is going on

    if you ovulate later in a cycle you sometimes get your period later as well.

  3. i think the digital ovulation kits are so much easier. there really is no charting of temp and guessing games. its either a happy face (ovulation detected) or a circle (no ovulation).

    those temp confuse me. good for you that you at least understand it and can follow it.  

  4. Clomid can give you many many side effects so hang in there as much as you can! you can take an hpt 2 weeks after you ovulated, and try not to focus too much on this side effects as they could also be early pregnancy symptoms, you can also ask a doctor online for free and find others taking clomid, try

    good luck!!

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