
Has anyone else become obsessed with TTC?

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It is driving me insane !! Had a miscarriage a little while ago and since then i seem to have become obsessed with trying to concieve .We already have two children and really want a third. Please let me know that it is not just me who feels like this .




  1. Yeah I've been ttc for about 3 months and it's driving me crazy that I haven't been successful yet and it seems that I keep finding out that women around me are pregnant who have been ttc and who weren't ttc I know it's stressful but don't give up good luck and baby dust to you and please send me the same.

  2. I miscarried four months ago and ever since then i cant stop thinking about having a child.  I hate seeing other women pushing prams in the street.  I know it sounds weird.

    U are definitely not alone.

  3. I know exactly what you are saying. I had 2 miscarriages within 6 months of each other and I was very obsessed. My husband was worried that I was losing it. My husband didn't want to try again because he was afraid of what would happen if I lost another. He didn't think I would be able to handle it. So when I knew I was ovulating I would go out of my way to make sure we had s*x. If he would catch on to what I was doing he would refuse to have s*x. I would say horrible things to him. Then I started trying to hide the fact that I was ovulating and would try to trick him. Finally after about 6 months of me being a basket case. We talked and he agreed to start trying again with the understanding that if I did get pg. and I had another miscarriage that we would not try again. Anyway we ended up with a beautiful baby boy that is 2 now.  So no you are not alone many women feel this way after the loss of a baby.  It does get better it just takes time.  Good Luck

  4. yes pretty much all i  think about. We have one child already but i was fortunate to get pregnant with her without having to plan it!

    now that we want another its taking forever.

    i dream about getting a positive result and feeling those little kicks again I can't wait!!

    Sorry for your loss i hope you get a positive hpt soon!!!

  5. I know how you feel... i was kind of forced into having an abortion about two weeks ago (family issues) now that me and my partner have had to go though that situation of losing something so precious to us all we want now is a baby! We have decide to start trying for another one next year that way we are now proving to our families that we can do it and are stable in all areas enough to have a baby! But we also look at the other side of things because the baby was unplanned now we can plan ahead for our little treasure and i just cant wait!

    Good Luck and God Bless all family's trying to conceive x*x

  6. I think about it every day & night for 9 months now. Many people said don't think about it but how can we not. Don't give up & good luck

  7. ME, ME, ME. Sorry about your miscarriage. My hubby and I have been TTC for 3 years with no luck. You are truly blessed to already have 2 children =] Just stop stressing about it and sooner or later it will happen. I have been on a roller coaster of emotions these past years and the only thing that has kept me going is my faith. Just wait God will bless you when the time is right. He is just making our babies EXTRA special. Good luck. Baby dust to you and everyone else!!

  8. you're definitely not alone! I had a miscarriage when I was 16. Young, I know, but I didn't even think about having babies I found out I was preggers. Then I lost it very early. Ever since then I've been feeling empty sort of. I waited a couple years before trying (obviously) and now we have been TTC (same guy) for about 5months. I am 20 now. No luck, and I have been so obsessed with every twinge, every little thing out of the ordinary and even the things that ARE ordinary!! It's terrible. The letdown sucks.

    My fiance has been gone for two months and I'm using the summer to re-boost my body and health and to de-stress awhile. He comes back in a month - - - so here's to it all payin off! BABY DUST TO US!

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