
Has anyone else been concerned about bismuth oxychloride?

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It's one of the 5 ingredient in bare minerals. I have never had a reaction or breakout to bare minerals like I have with every other brand, including neutrogena. "Bismuth oxychloride is usually produced as a byproduct of the processing of other metal ores, especially lead, copper, tin, silver, and gold, but also tungsten or other metal alloys." (wikipedia) I don't really care about the other metals, but a byproduct of processing lead? I know how old Japanese women used to have "chicken skin" because their makeup contained lead and other heavy metals. Other mineral companies use this as a scare tactic, but what does everyone else think? Would you switch to a bismuth oxychloride free mineral brand?




  1. i am concerned about bismuth in my makeup. that's the reason i havent even touched bare minerals. i read a review of a girl who never had acne throughout her teen years and when she was 21 she started using bare minerals and at first it was good but then after she started breaking out like crazy.

  2. I've been using bare minerals for months and haven't had any problems with it. I normally have very sensitive skin so I was surprised to find something that worked so well with my skin.  

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