
Has anyone else been screwed over like this??

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My husband got his bach in Sociology and minor in buisness add. he has had such a hard time finding a job since graduating in Oregon. We got in a bad car accident recently that limits the jobs he can do. He is having a hard time finding a job cleaning toilets! So he decided the best bet to support his family at this point is to go back to school for a more specific degree; accounting. He has already completed 2 terms at the school he is going to and only has a few more. I can't work at all because I was severly injured in the accident. Anyways right now, Financial Aid is our only form of income, so my husband made sure to do everything right to make sure he would get it on time, he applied as early as possible ect. Then ON the date they said he was for sure going to get it, bills were due, he went to go check it, and it said you have been "randomly selected" to be verified! Which they could have done the 3 months before the term started but did ON the day he was supposed to get




  1. I feel your pain. As an MBA student, I applied for a loan and when I got to college, it wasn't there. The FA officers didn't care and were even rude about it. I lost 10 lbs the first 2 weeks because I had no money and no oneadvised me that I could get an emergency loan. The next semester, I started working in FA and a few months later, I became a FINANCIAL AID OFFICER! I helped as many people as I could. I saw how bad some of the counselors could be. I ended up with all the *difficult* students because no one else would see them. I said, aslong as they're eligible for FA, we can't take that away and I will help them get it.

    Just hang in there and it'll come through. Or write a letter to the president of the university, like one student did at my university. Then see how fast you get your FA!

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