
Has anyone else ever been really afraid of driving ??

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I feel like when im in the car with someone am just waiting for something to happen , am really jumpy , i panick that people are going to walk out without looking , is anyone else like this ??

P.s i dont drive personally , im allways the passenger side , i just couldnt face lessons xx




  1. The way you feel is the way 98% of teenagers feel when they are learning to drive or when you are a passenger.

    Your fear of driving or being a passenger is absolutely 100% normal.

    Fear is really nothing more than a lack of knowledge and what is happeneing and trust.

    When you get the knowledge, the fear goes away.

  2. I am terrified. The thought of knowing that when Im driving, Im responsible for the lives in the car, the power of the car, same as you in waiting for something bad to happen. Youre not alone!

  3. its okay to be nervous but you want to drive rite soon after you get you lessons then youll become very comfortable with driving as for me im scared of the high way when i get my lessons

  4. maybe something in your past, or one of ur past lives

    has made you scared of driving? My grandma, for example,

    was told she may have been rose on the titanic in her former

    life! haha how weird is that?! hope i helped??

    haha yeah, i get scared in the car with certain people.

  5. I get a little freaked on the highways with a lot of cars, but it's worse when I'm driving, not a passenger.

  6. Im exactly the same as a passenger but when I started driving I felt less afraid as I feel I trust myself more and am in full control as opposed to being a helpless sitting duck passenger! You may in fact be better as a driver than a passenger.

  7. sometimes i get a little freaked on the freeway. it's so fast and so many cars. it's nerve wracking. but it's never been so bad that i've been too scared to drive............

  8. used to be, but actually its like riding a bike, you just have to know your automobile, and it will come naturally, remember safety is number one, just for your sake..

  9. Yeah i just turned 16 and im facing a bit of anxiety with going to drivers ed and such.  People probably think its strange but oh well.  Alteast your not the only one.

  10. I have a little paranoia when riding with other people but People tell me I don't make them nervous even though I have a lead foot.  Maybe you are just a good driver and keep seeing fault in other peoples driving so it makes you nervous.  I think that's what it is fr me.

  11. my mom is like that she hate getting in a car.she even stop driving.she always tells my dad to slow time she gate really scared and she was holding my hand and made me blood

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