
Has anyone else ever had a Ouija board (bought or handmade) work?

by  |  earlier

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I've had both work - one that my friend bought, and one that I made myself.

(And yes, I know about the paranormal/occult and that one has to be careful when trying to communicate with spirits etc.)

I'm just curious as to how many people on here have also had these boards convey accurate responses - or any response at all, through the board itself or otherwise.




  1. They probably do, but just try to be careful those things can be dangerous!!

  2. I had one work when I was a kid.  Even though I wasn't doing it purposefully, I know I was the one moving the planchette because only I knew the answers spelled out on the board.  The ideomotor effect is a really cool thing.

  3. I had a friend that becam very ill following the use of such a tool. If you must use one make sure you know how to protect yourself. THEY ARE NOT TOYS OR CURIOSITYS

  4. Yup, and so did my sisters, using a music box as crystal ball. Trapped three spirits inside, one of which is our house ghost. It took three weeks to get him out while keeping the other two, who weren't so nice, inside.

    I will also say that, while SOMETIMES you might get something interesting, it's not a good idea to open yourself to that kind of thing. You never know what might happen.


    If the planchette moved on flat ground without you touching it while isolated from wind currents, vibration, and magnetic and electrostatic forces, it would be interesting and worth further investigation.

    But if the planchette moves when you PUSH IT WITH YOUR HAND, it is neither interesting, nor paranormal, nor worth further investigation.

  6. never give up on the belief an faith that there is a heaven for you!These boards can tell you anything you want,because you don't know who's standing in for your relative,Its like getting you hook on then theres an unexpected tax or price.......step away before the price is something you can never pay ! Blessed Be..................

  7. You will get many affirmative responses to the use of an ouiji board I'm sure. I have myself used it only once. It was accurate, but for months afterwards I was having shocking nightmares and equally awful things happening to me during the day. I since learned from a Priest that these boards are extremely dangerous and could (and do) cause the user and others present to become possessed by evil spirits. He didn't mean the spirits of dead people who were 'bad' in life but demonic spirits straight from the devil.

    Please leave the ouiji alone. You are leaving yourself wide open.

  8. i dont use em because they are satanic

  9. most don't work unless you get them from a witchcraft storee.. i bet it was just your friends moving the pointer by themselves.

  10. While I fully understand all controversy surrounding the Ouija board, I have used one and have had a less than pleasant result.

    First of all I was in a closed room with NO windows and the home did not have central air.

    The only light source were 2 hurricane lamps placed 4 to 6 feet away. After we were done messing around with it we were laughing at the idea that neither of us were pushing the planchete around. In the middle of some name calling and joshing the planchete flew off the board and struck my Friend just below the eye, in a second after that both hurricane lamps went out.

    That was the last time I used one and I buried it out behind the house.!!

  11. My aunt had one and she was pulled under her bed after using one and she had hand marks from it on her ankles when she was young... my mom witnessed it. If you do use one you better be using some good protection spells!!! have God help you and protect you!!  Ouija board are horrible to use if it is used w/o a protection spell! You open a portal, any wandering spirit or demon may enter! BUT NEVER BURN ONE!!! EVER!!!! EVEN ONE YOU MADE!!! burnin one leaves the paranomal door open!.. and when you use the board make sure you ask for good and keep away evil... also my Aunt threw it away and when she came back home it was in her room on her bed.. she was the only one home that night! and then the next day, she slept at a friends house cuz she was scared (it takes A LOT to scare her too) and my Nana wrapped it in a lot of garbage bags and put it in the city dumpster!

    Be careful!

  12. Yes and don't do it. (Read Renee's question below..and the answers.) (And go to Resolved Questions for more Q&As about it that we've already answered.)

  13. Any ouija board should work the same way, purchased or made.  There's no difference between them.

    And by 'work the same way' I mean not work.  Look up the ideomotor effect - it's a well-studied phenomena.  You're actually doing all the moving yourself, whether you realize it or not.  This is easily tested and demonstrated.  Whether there are spirits or not, they are not communicating with you - it's all you (or your friends).

  14. Yeah and it is a scary experience. I suggest you never do it again or else you are letting spirits in your area that you may not want there.

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