
Has anyone else ever hade the police called on their home schooled children?How did you handle it?

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After five years home schooling we finallly had the dreaded police visit. LOL He was very polite and it went very well. He was a bit unaware of the laws and such but I enlightened him. He apologized and left his card so that if I had another officer show up in the future they could contact him and he would explain for me. All in all I handled it well. I am curious how others handled this visit?




  1. Yes.  But we were and still are members of HSLDA, HomeSchool Legal Defense Association.  It's a very nominal fee and provides courtroom representation if needed, and consistent retained legal counsel over the phone any time it's needed when Qs arise as they sometimes do, and in the case presented in this Q, all that needs be done is present the card with the phone number and then the local enforcement officers follow up at a higher level so that accurate information is given from one legal department to another.  These peopleHSLDA are who the gov't works with in Wash DC, and who are helping issues in public schools with teachers parents students school boards - they also send a monthly newsletter which is loaded with valuable resource info.   It's not for offensive or defensive behavior, it's something that is where the legal authorities can turn when they are confused by all this.

    You did beautifully, and it would have helped had this card been available for them so that one person doesn't have to stand in the gap, it's then handled in a broader fashion which helps all legit homeschoolers in yr community.

    I had one incident early on, and luckily I had the card (it went nicely too) and they copied the info and later called and thanked us because it took things up a notch to the 'legal' level where the whole station was very clear about what is and is not ok when homeschooling.  Also took me out of that 'loop' and I was never bothered again by anyone all the way through graduation and scholarships.

    What one experiences others are too, and we need to help everyone we can to get clear on the laws and boundaries, not just for our immediate circumstance but to pave the way so others have it smoother. The HSLDA relieved me of having to explain over and over, people could just call and get the info straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak, rather than decide if I was correct in my information or not.  I had lots of people Q me about it, but only one police visit.   And they really don't want to be involved as it's more of a political issue than a criminal or civil one.

    You are a great paver and road smoother.   Thanks for keeping on keeping on.  

    Peace be with you.

    Thanks for the pertinent Q :)

  2. No, not the police, but the neighbors here turned us in to CPS because the ysaid we were negleting our child of a education in a public school. When they showed up at my door, I was homeschooling our son at the time, & I showed them my rights, & told them in no way was he negleted of a education, he's homeschooled. The CPS realized it was a misunderstood call, they left, & have never bothered us again.

    I later found out who made the call, & told them that he's homeschooled, & its OUR choice to homeschool. If yo ucant understand that, thats YOUR choice, but he's our child, not yours. She finally got the hint to butt out.  

    This is a neighbor that calls in for everything that she dosnt like in the neighborhood. everyone here has basically told her if she dosnt like it, move.

    But, for the most part we havnt gotten the police called on us.

  3. The police get called? Wow.

    Well I can understand it though. I have seen cases where people "homeschooled" thier kids while they got drunk and the kids took care of each other. There have been those that use ONLY the Bible as the ONLY text and they can barely do math. Then there are cases where they just don't feel like getting up with thier kids in the morning. All of which sucks for those who really are educating thier children.

  4. I haven't had the police called, but I do live in the country.  The nearest neighbors know we homeschool.  It is funny, though, when people in stores and such ask why my kids aren't in school.  I tell them they are - we're on a field trip learning about economics!  That's the beauty of homeschool.  Anything and everything can be turned into a lesson.  Grocery shopping is turned into health and economics.  Doctor visits are turned into biology.  Trips to the park are turned into physical science and phys ed.  Road trips are map reading and history.  

    I love homeschooling!

  5. We've never had the police called on us.  I think you handled the situation perfectly.  The important thing is to know the laws.

    To Tash - having kids in school in no way protects them from abuse.  My child was abused by a teacher for two solid years.  Teachers tend to protect each other, as part of the bureaucracy that is our school system.

    Anyone who thinks their kids are safer in schools needs to visit the local school daily for a week.

  6. No, but the kids around here are all on different tracks and schedules so you never know who is out of school and who isn't. It is weird. I don't think the Police have any idea what there schedules are either. My daughter is so tiny so people don't question me. They think she is a few years younger than she is so for now no worries.

  7. NO, I've never had the police called.  The worst I've gotten was questions by total strangers as to why my kids were not in school.

  8. Why were they visiting you? I've never had this....

    I'd love if the police came to my door, it would make me feel like I actually did something bad in my teenage years instead of the same old day after day, can't remember the days because they're all the same sitting at home, school, reading all day thinking about what my could, or could "have" been life....And watch it pass by....

    But I've never had that happen, nor have I even heard of it happen to anyone (Who's homeschooled) I know....

    But it makes sense, you must have some nosy neighbors, lol....I don't think mine even know I'm homeschooled, they never really see me anyway though....


  9. No. The only time the police have called me, rather than the other way round, was when I left my car at a bar and grill overnight and a man was beaten in the parking lot. They called to see if I had witnessed anything, but I had actually been at a meeting at the church across the street, to the grill for a burger and then out with friends in carpool fashion. They returned me home rather than deposit me back down town when the night was over. I had, luckily, not been there at all for the drunken fisticuffs. No law official has ever looked at us sideways for homeschooling.

    EDIT: Hey Tash, I was thumbs down #3. I will explain. Why should homeschoolers require any more safety measures aka snooping / policing done than parents of public schooled kids? My home is protected from unreasonable search and seizure. You seem quick to take that protection away. Just because someone wants to restrict my rights for the good of the children, does not make it right. As a former therapeutic foster parent and a past board member for a domestic crisis center I am aware of MANY children who are abused throughout their childhood and are public school students. I also know of students molested by their teachers. “Safety measures" did not prevent their abuse. To presume that parents should be suspected and policed to ensure the safety of their children is to assume that child abuse is normal, rather than aberrant. I am terribly sorry for the circumstances of your abuse and for the abuse itself. But being homeschooled did not cause your abuse, nor would public school or being closely watched have necessarily saved you. You needed to be out of that environment entirely. I am sorry you were not able to escape. Many people never do. I understand what you went through was horrible, but do not let that color your view of the rest of the world.

  10. I had a police officer talk to me at the park once.  It was in the early 90s.  I was terrified and offered to let him talk to my lawyer at hslda.  You were probably calmer.  He left us alone though.

    We always went to the park from 10:30-12 for our playtime and to walk the dog, then I would read to them from a novel while they drew or colored. It was a daily thing. Sometimes we took a bag lunch.  I usually had a briefcase of "school" for them to work on or an art project. Apparently some good citizen thought we shouldn't be at the park in the daytime.

    It sounds like you did great though.  Good job.

  11. My parents gave my name and my brother's name to the truancy officer specifically so this would not happen.  As soon as we started homeschooling, we "registered" with their office so that we wouldn't get in trouble with the law for being out during school hours.  We never had any trouble with the police...I'm not sure if it was because of that, or just coincidence.

  12. My school district provided me with a letter confirming that my child was home schooled.  I made copies of it and my kid carries it with her everywhere - just in case!  Plus I have to keep an on-going record of what we do to present when asked.  

    Watch out for the department of Children & Families in your state - in Duval County Florida, once those people get a report on you and your kids - they will NEVER leave you alone!  

    And they are NOT the sharpest knives in the drawer - if you know what I mean!  Bunch of under-educated, condescending a**holes!  (Yes, I'm bitter!)

    P.S. My kid is going back to public school next fall!  Too much bureaucratic hassle in Duval!

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