
Has anyone else experienced a "raw fruit and vegetable" allergy or intolerance?

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I have been having stomach pains on occasion for years, but only recently in the last couple weeks the pain has risen to every day. The pain comes almost every day after I eat either lunch or dinner or both--but not usually in the morning. It's pretty intense pain--enough that I stop working and can't concentrate.

I met with my doctor and she suggested I take antacids.

I started keeping a food journal and quickly realized the pain comes every time after I eat a salad (which I do almost every day either for lunch or dinner) or eat raw fruit. Cooked sides of veggies do not seem to cause pain. This was 4 days ago. Since then I have cut out raw fruits and veggies and have not had any pain.

Has anyone heard of this? How can I suddenly be so severly allergic to raw fruits & vegetables? I am a 28-yr old female, otherwise active and very healthy. My doctor just told me to stop eating the things that make my stomach hurt--but I can't just not eat raw fruits and veggies anymore.

Any ideas anyone?




  1. I think it is oral allergy syndrome.  Its a wonder that your mouth and lips don't itch too.  It is related to pollen allergies.  I used to be allergic to salad, watermelon, oranges, and most other raw fruits and vegetables.  I went to an allergist and had shots for my pollen allergies.  After being on the shots for five years, my allergy to raw fruits and vegetables went away.  

  2. Its called Oral Allergy Syndrome. And like any other allergy it can happen to you at any time even if you've never had an allergy before. I had the same problems as you and talked to my doctor about it. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do except avoid the foods that bother you, but I feel your pain =[ good luck.

  3. Sounds like gallstones. Exactly what happened with me. Get an ultrasound done.

  4. My sister is allergic to carrots and apples (raw), it just started this year. All she does is avoid eating them and then theirs no problems but she said her mouth swells and she gets cramps if she eats it. It's very weird indeed

  5. You are most likely allergic to some or all of the vegetables.

    There is a cure for this. You should get a book on NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique), the book is called Say Goodby To Illness by Devi Nambudripad. To put the story in a nutshell. Devi Nambudripad was allergic to everything, she could eat like 3 things. One day she unthinkingly ate a carrot. She got really sick. She had her husband bring her her acupuncture needles. She fell asleep with them in, while she was holding the carrot. When she woke up, she wasn't allergic to carrots! You should go to and see if there is a practitioner in your area. We are getting the treatment for different things and we have been cleared/cured for everything that we were treated for. It sounds too good to be true but it WORKS! It even works on Asthma victims and diabetics. Your doctor won't understand this. PLEASE read the book. Devi is also an M.D. among other things.    

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