
Has anyone else feed to sleep?

by  |  earlier

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and is baby hard to get to sleep once they are weaned if you do this? for my bubs its often the only way to get her to sleep and so its become part of our routine that when ever I want her to go down for a nap I feed her until she is falling asleep. But there are lots of people out there that say not to do this because it will only cause problems later in life. So I would like to hear first hand from other Mothers that have feed to sleep. Was it difficult to teach bubs to go to sleep when they were off the boobie?




  1. try feeding till your at the sleepy zone then pop the dummy in , she will still be suckeling but the dummy is so much easier , maybe she doesnt need the feeding as much as she needs to suckle she could well be using the breast as a pacifier so ... , IMO feed her till full ...pop the dummy in then pop her in bed .... hope it works for you....  

  2. I did that until my son was about 4 months old and then he didn't need me to do it anymore. Some moms have problems I guess but I didn't. Well you'll have problems if you try to wean to soon or too fast so I don't think it helps. It normal for little babies to want to cuddle and suckle all the time.

  3. I also feed to sleep, but lately, he takes himself off and snuggles down on his own.  Its really great to see that. He loves to relax and start off with me, but he's growing and seems to need it less.

    When the time comes, I'm sure you're little one will do the same.

    As far as problems in life, give me a break. There is no perfect way to raise a baby without having it effect something somehow. I know many people and none have a been perfect parents.

    I just use common sense and read some articles or books and take from them what sounds like good advice. If we listened to everyone, our kids would be more confused about life than if we didn't. Good luck and listen to your heart.

    Babies aren't going to nurse forever, enjoy the closeness until they no longer need us for that reason.

  4. i did do this sometimes with my son, but not always. yes i herd the samething, but i didnt listen to others, b/c it was my child and it did work for me.  i slowly stopped doing it and resorted to just rocking him or walking around with him in my arms in a lightly dimmed room. playing soft music with this might help..  i have also herd that having some "white noise" example a fan or the sound of the vent can sooth them and they can drift to sleep.  you can actually get white noise on a tape or disc to play in the nursery aswell.. try that and see if that works.  

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