
Has anyone else found hypnotherapists to be rubbish?

by  |  earlier

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Wne to see one tow days ago for exam anxiety and I am just as anxious ever. I should have thrown the money I paid in the street.




  1. My dad uses hypnosis when he treats people and he has done it on me. It really is brilliant. I'm sorry you didn't have that same experience. Maybe the hypnotherapist you saw wasn't very good or not genuine...hmmm good luck with your exam. :-)

  2. I have been to several MDs (Doctors) in my life,not just one or two,  all did nothing but empty my billfold.  So are they rubbish as well ???

       I personally hypnotized people and got great results.  Including stopped one from smoking.

      It is not about believing, it is about giving in and trusting and not being so afraid of so little.

  3. It does work-but there are good ones and bad ones.  It is such an easy way to rip someone off, and it isn't policed enough.

    Go to a well known person. They aren't Gods, they aren't going to tell you that you will meet a tall dark stranger, etc, but if you get a person you feel comfortable with, then go with it. If you think they are minipulating you, kick their head in. No-I mean go somewhere else. Taking a frind with you is a good option as it will be harder for them if they are a conman instead of someone that can help.

    It isn't foolproof, but if it works, then why not?

  4. i've been to two different hypnotherapists and both didn't do anything noticable.

  5. They are robbers.

  6. You can't possibly label all hypnotherapists as rubbish just because of your one experience.

    There are some brilliant ones out there!

  7. They are akin to fortune tellers, clairvoyants and all other scam artists.!

  8. I think it's one of those things you have to believe in for it to work, (if ya know what I mean.)  It has never worked for me and I have tried it twice.  I do not think I can be hypnotized because I cannot relax enough to even get to that point.  And maybe that alone is why it doesn't work.  I just do not  believe in it.  It's simply the power of suggestion.

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