
Has anyone else given in to the temptation to BUY PETROL...?

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Well I was as determined as the next person not to panic buy. But my self control evaporated this morning lol !

I queued up for 45 minutes and managed to get nearly 2 pound's worth in.

Did anyone else feel the same way? - what is the fuel shortage rationing crisis like where you live?




  1. Well I think your a selfish toss** It's people like yourself that's making it a problem. Although i think it's the press that are most to blame. They go on and on about there no need to panic, Then they go report from a petrol station saying that there's no petrol left here blah blah blah.

    The press want there to be a shortage they got nothing else to report at the moment.

  2. I  can resist everything except temptation

  3. There will be a lot doing the same thing. We always do it remember the bread and sugar scares everybody running around with trolley loads of the stuff. It will happen with the fuel.

  4. I must be blind. Have not really seen much of it. My partner filled up with a full tank of diesel & there was no que in the garage. I would add that our car was running on empty & we always fill the tank up. A full tank means we do not have to visit the garage for three weeks.

  5. well I actually NEED petrol as my tank is almost empty but no doubt the pumps are dry due to stupid panicking, selfish people sucking up all the juice

  6. If you put £2 worth in, then (a) you are just having a bit of fun OR (b) You are a muppet because £2 is not quite 2 litres at today's price and you spent more going and queueing up.

  7. I know of no shortage or restriction as such, but the price of petrol in Australia is pushing AU$1.50, about 75p per litre.

    Diesel is over AU$1.60, and that's in the cities. Country prices can be 150% of those.

  8. i have just been out and filled my car to the brim (luckily it is a MB E320 cdi) diesel so it should last a while

  9. I give in to temptation every time the fuel light comes on........

  10. I'm afraid people who panic buy are the ones that cause the crisis, there is a danger here of making a mountain out of molehill!

  11. No fuel crisis in Australia, but i only put $50 worth in the tank because it is so expensive, and it always goes up in price here as you get nearer to the weekend, What a ripoff.

  12. Yes I'm storing 500 gals wvo.I mix it to diesel at 75%wvo,25% diesel.This way I should make it thru the summer.I have a small Mom an Pop business,and fuel was killing me,till I converted my diesel.

  13. I must agree with others, people who panic buy for £2 of fuel,

    because of media hike, cause problems for those that really need the fuel.I live in a rural area,& need the car just for essentials.I think the panic has been caused deliberately,

    for "profiteering" reasons. The price of fuel is disgusting,

    compared to it's cost, before tax!

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