
Has anyone else gone through this????

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I'm a mom of one toddler. I believe I'm pregnant. My last period was June 24, 2008. That was 64 days ago. No spotting. Nothing. I feel pregnant, and I have every single symptom you can think of that has to do with being pregnant. I even feel "fluttering". Problem? All my HPT are negative.

I'm not stressing, at least not until lately because I want to know! Once I find out I can go get medical insurance, but until then, no such luck and that's why I haven't gone to the doctor to get a blood test.

Am I alone or does this ever happen to anyone?I've heard some women never get enough HCG levels in their urine until they are very far along so it's hard to get a positive at home test.

I'm just so frustrated!




  1. WOW!

    I am actually going thru something similar I have a one year old

    and I feel pregnant and have alot of the symptoms and its been like ugh but no test comes out postivie my doctor is booked for another week or so so I cant see him till another week.

    I think this is common actually because at home tests are NOT very accurate at all. sometimes you could be 4 months along and then it finally comes out positive.

    so jus hang in there and keep taking tests, or go somewhere who does free tests, and then get into the doctor asap!!

    i hope things work out hun

  2. no

  3. Girl this happens all the time! I suggest you go to your nearest Planned Parenthood to do a pregnancy test they will first need to do the urine test then the clinician will have to order the blood test. But you need to go and get the blood test because that will be the for sure test. And Planned Parenthood is a low cost clinic that will be able to help you.

    It is possible that you could be tricking yourself but there is no harm in making sure...also keep in mind the earliest you can test for pregnancy is 10-14 days from the day you had unprotected s* maybe you took the test too early...also some people only test possible from blood test. So when in doubt get tested.

  4. there r free clinics that do pregnancy test for free. call your dr and ask the nurse for the name of the local clinic that gives free Pregnancy test. once you get there explain to them and they will do a blood test for you. good luck.  

  5. Sweety go to your doctor and get a blood test done.  

  6. I'm in the exact situation as you are right now. I guess I'll just wait it out a few more weeks or just cave in and go to the dr. I have also read about some people not having enough hormones to show on a hpt. Not much advice to offer. Just letting u know that u are not alone :)  

  7. I took 4 HPT and all 4 said Negative. Went to the Doc and their urine screen said Positive, I was 8 weeks at that point. NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL OTHER THAN LATE PERIOD. I was taking birth control but got pregnant because I was also trying out St. John's Wort and that lowers effectiveness of BC (no one told me THAT). I was also using Boric Acid to clear up a bacterial infection. Needless to say the pregnancy did not survive, but the point is all 4 tests were wrong...go to the Doc.

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