
Has anyone else got a Webcam or considered getting one?

by  |  earlier

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Well, i just thought i would lighten the mood. I got one in February. Let people see you as you really are. Dropping food all over the keyboard, falling off your computer chair, empty bottles in the background. I`m only joking. Lol.





  2. I got one for £14.99, I even sent one to a friend in the USA .....we have plenty of fun as they both have mic's built in  

  3. no. I don't fancy using one. I'd have no-one to talk to with it anyway.

    well, my mum lives far away but i still don't want one. lol

    Can you split the screen so you can see more than one person? that would be good. we could all get one, and have a real (virtual) party! lol

  4. Yeah I have one. I like to shout at people over it so they can see just how angry I am! :D

  5. i have one built in on my laptop, and i use it to talk and joke with my friends sometimes, but i would never go out and buy one just to talk to random people online

  6. I've got one built into my mac you don't want to see my ugly mug on your screen.

  7. Not yet, but now that I know you have one....

    Edit: Steph j, you know full well that Mrs Claw belted me around the head every time she saw you parading your scantily-clad self on my web cam. (And to answer your other question, I preferred the black stockings, with the seam at the back).

  8. lol. Yeah they are great fun, got the videos to prove.....:)

  9. No way this is my sanctuary, i'm off duty on here, i don't want to have to be properly attired all the time.

  10. No, I like the mystery of not knowing.

  11. Oh yes :))

    THC keeps switching me off though every time Mrs Claw walks into the room..........cant think why ;)

  12. I have one built into my Mac but I've never used it as i was waiting for you to buy one. :)

    ||Haz|| Maybe I like Forever Friends.

  13. Yep,had one for a while.

  14. Stop showing off with your techno wizardry.

    I feel quite disturbed at Shambo and yourself taking your dalliance to the next level...What if one of you wears nylon slacks? What if you have a single bed covered in Forever Friends Teddies? What if he has a military magazine part-work collection?

    As for me well...I'm gorgeous -porgeous. That's all anyone need know ;-)

    EDIT-Lolololol....Leave the peirrot clown though. Every bedroom needs a bit of monochrome :-)

    SHAMBO-That's Olga Bugarov to you...

  15. have one on my macbook - never use it though - too creepy

  16. that was you ???

    yes i have one but dont think im getting all kinky with you......oh go on then  lol

  17. are you sure you're only joking or are

    you in denial :)

  18. Yes and I have seen myself on it, and believe me you wouldnt want me to use it. Keep the mystery I say.

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