
Has anyone else had a bad experience with Cosmopolitan Cars in Sydney?

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my fiancee and I decided to purchase a Toyota Surf from Cosmopolitan Cars in Sydney. We applied for finance through them, put a deposit (so they couldn't sell the car) & signed a sales contract stating they would keep the car off the market until 02/08/07, all this was done on thur 26/07/07. Over the following couple of days I spoke to the broker (everyday) who was getting us the finance and everything was fine & told us the loan will definately be approved by Mon 29/07/07. On that moday, the broker called us to say the loan was approved but the dealer had sold the car over the weekend and told her to lie to us & say the bank wouldn't allow us to buy the car.

We were furious. We put a deposit on the car on thursday and on saturday the dealer sold it . The sales contract states he would keep the car for us until the following thursday (1 week).

We only found out the truth because the broker was honest with us and the dealer finally spit it out that he sold it. Yet he then started blaming the broker and said on sunday he called her and she said that morning the bank said there was a problem. What a complete lie, even if that were true, that doesn't excuse him because he sold the car the day before that supposedly happened & how could the bank tell her anything on sunday...banks & their offices are closed. Also why did he not call us to tell us to get our deposit & tell the broker to lie? he did not contact us at all. they blamed everyone including us, the broker and the bank but themselves. They were rude and insulting. The way they talked to us and the broker, is not how you conduct yourself in a business. They still had the guts to try selling us some other car. Whatever no way. I really hope people reading this will not fall into their trap. If you can avoid their car yard, please do. Remember, we put a deposit yet they sold it. They said and signed that they would hold the car for 1 week yet sold it 2 days later. They broke the law. They are a very bad business. Has anyone had a bad experience with this car yard dealer?




  1. Yeah, we had a lot of trouble with them. What they did to you was wrong and against the law.

    We purchased a car from them a few months ago. The car came with 3 months warranty (it covered pretty much everything). Everything seemed fine with car until 1 month after we purchased it. The car started making a lot of noise and then would sometimes stall. We took it back to Cosmopolitan Cars and they would not help us. Even though we had 3 months warranty, they said it wasn't their problem.

    They were very rude. While my partner was talking to them, (he wasn't being rude at all) the dealer turned around, put his back in our faces and said 'nothing to do with us, not our problem, too bad'. Someone else came out, he yelled at us saying 'get out of here, don't you people understand, get f*****.' He then smirked and said 'oh and take your metal on wheels with you.

    We were furious. We are now in contact with Dep. fair trading. You should try doing that, see what they say.

    I do not rec. them to anyone.

  2. There's only only 1 Cosmopolitan Cars in Sydney, on parramatta road right?

    Well I went there with a mate, to look at a CRV. From the moment 'I had' to go up to HIM, my blood was boiling. He wasn't helpful and when I ased if I could take it for a drive, he said no cause they were busy. Yet there was nobody else there but myself, my mate, him and 2 other dealers who were just leaning on cars talking. I told him that since I knew what car I wanted and it's price range, I was already going through the loan process and I'd think about it. Want to know what he said then?

    'Listen I'll be frank, I don't think you can afford it and i'm not going to take you for a test drive unless you show me you have the money. Let's not waste my time here'

    Little did he know I had just sold my car and had enough to cover the cost of the CRV but would prefer to have a loan and pay it off slowly.

    I said a few words and walked off, never to return again. stay away.

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