
Has anyone else had a bad experience with McDonalds?

by  |  earlier

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I just had one a couple hours ago. Gave the cashier a ten and she thought I gave her a five, and the manager came in and counted the till (not infront of me) and found it short only 30 cents. How do I know that the till wasn't off before they counted? I saw the ten I gave her sitting on top of the tens in the till. The five she claimed I gave her was brand new. I had no fives in my purse at all last night or this morning. How could I convince them?

I felt like a thief and they all stood there looking at me, and now I've paid nearly 10$ for an ice cream cone and a strawberry milkshake. talk about horrible feeling of doom.

I don't want to go to another McDonald's as long as I live.

Anyone else feel this way?

(I sent a complaint to head office in BC)




  1. I work at mcdonadls, i always hav problems there - mostly with customers. first u all complain about not being fresh, so we go MFY (made for you) which is alot harder work for us, and now u complain about it takin extra few seconds... U come in at rush times and complain bout waiting in the line - wat do u expect at these times of the day??? When u go thru drive thru u hav 3 opertunities to chek your order, but normally dont untill u get home and then blame us for having it wrong. We get abused about 10 times every shift for things out of our control , it isnt our fault apple pies (for example) are very popular and often sell out befor the truck arrives. Its not our fault when the coffee (or something else) machine breaks and we cant make something. yes sometimes we stuff up, doesnt everyone?? Im sure that u hav made mistakes at your job. I try my hardest at work to give the best customer service but some days i wonder y i bother, especially as most customers treat me like c**p from the very first hello and dont give me a chance to show im not like the other idiots that cant count or watever. Im only there so i can b financially independant y i study at uni. The owner treats us like ****, we get times on drive thru and registers and get in trouble if we hav bad times - even if it is not our fault but the kitchens for not having things cooked ect. Im sorry u hav had bad experience at mcdonalds, but think about wat the staff have to go through everyday, it is not an easy job like every1 assumes, and sometimes we make mistakes - just like every1 else in this world.

    P.S - dont bother threating the staff about not coming bak. We dont care, it doesnt bother us!!! thats one less abusive customer we have to deal with. Or B we just laugh cause we know that u will b bak... especially wen u hav kids...

  2. my order has gotten through correctly about 3 times in the past year

  3. McDonald's sucks.I have also had problems with them before.

  4. That happened to me at Burger King once, I gave the lady a 20 and she said she gave me my change, and she didn't. (any of it) I had to BORROW the $20 bill to eat and have some money left b/c I was BroKE.  Thanks to her I was broke again! I was so upset I never go to BK, and that was 7 yrs ago. They did the same thing, counted the money and said I was wrong.  I went throught the drivethrough of McDonald's recently and got 2 chicken nugget happy meals. (on the way to baseball practice)  We strated down the rd w/no time to spare, and my child noticed there were no nuggets in his meal!!!  I had to go back after practice and get the nuggets!

    Last story- my step-mom went to Mcdonald's here in SC and they were OUT OF BURGERS!


    so sad for a huge franchise to be so slack.

  5. I've never had a problem with McDonalds......they screwed up my order once, but in a good way. Otherwise I haven't had problems with it myself, but many of my friends have, especially with money......

  6. i had the same problem with my cosin and the cashier act like she didnt know what she was doing mcdonalds isnt good anyways it has to much sodium for our bodies but i love wendy's i never have a problem with them

  7. yes mcdonalds is horrible i agree with you there. the people are almost always mean and the food is extremely unhealthy. i am personally boycotting!!!!

  8. ohh yes!!!

    that has happend to me before (simular)

    mcdonalds has no respect for others and they always give you the wrong order

  9. Customer service has severely declined in the last 10 years or so.  9 times out of 10 my food order gets screwed up, short changed, over charged, rudeness, and over all stupidity.

    I blame it on the dumbing down of America.

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