
Has anyone else had a sensitive gag reflex while pregnant?

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with my first i remember having a hard time swallowing my prenatal vitamin, and brushing my tongue would make he gag. with this pregnancy its like 10 times worse! i'm really getting frustrated taking my pills because they sink right to the back of my throat and i almost puke every time. i just took one not to long ago and my drink came right back up. luckily the pill stayed down. also I'm wayyyy sensitive to smells and the way certain things look. anything i can do or am i just going to have to suffer!




  1. Brushing my teeth ALWAYS made me throw up while pregnant. I didnt have problems swallowing pills tho.

    I think its just one of those *things* that pregnant women get to deal with.

  2. Oh I totally know how you are feeling. With my son I had some gagging but this time around I am so much more sensitive this time around. I have just been really careful not to induce my gag reflux as much as I can. I have such bad heartburn though that I feel like I'm going to puke all the time. I'm 32 weeks and looking forward to being done:) Good luck:)

  3. I know what you mean about smells. Before I was pregnant I really didn't have much of a smell at all. Skunks or nothing bothered me. Now I smell everything and it all stinks! I hate it and hope it goes away after the baby is born.

    I have a sensitive gag reflex as well I always have but not as bad as you are saying. I have trouble now with brushing my teeth or anything like that but not with pills. I would ask your doctor if there is anything you can do at your next appointment. Other than that I can't think of a thing to help with that. Sorry. Hope it gets better.

  4. There was nothing I could ever do to help it.  When I do laundry, I hold the hanger with my mouth and during my pregnancies, there was no way I could do it.Same with brushing my teeth, I tried to brush my teeth as quickly as possible.  

    I was sensitive to smells and sights, if I saw something gross, I would start to gag just as much as if I would've smelled it.  


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