
Has anyone else had false profiles posted on blog sites?

by  |  earlier

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It seems too easy to set up false profiles in someone else's name. This has happened to me on this site and on others and the profiles have been used to contact people who think they are contacting me. Is there a danger that these people could be at risk from a real head case posing as someone else? What do you think?




  1. It does seem odd behaviour but on the net people have anonymity which empowers them to behave this way and you have to remember on this site the age begins at 13 but how Yahoo check this and ensure they are of the right age to join..I don't think they do but all that you can do it ignore and behave yourself.

  2. yes. It happens alot

  3. that's the reason i don't allow contacts because you don't know who your talking to...any one can be on here or any other sights even dating ones anyone can say who they think they may be  

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