
Has anyone else had hemroides?

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I'm 39 weeks pregnant almost and I believe I have a hemroid but iv never had one so I don't no what they feel like or look like so if anyone could just tell me a similar experience and if they had one it would help a lot and if you had what did you do to make them better? Also do they go away?




  1. I never had them until I had my third baby. They burn and itch (like if you were little and didn't wipe yourself all the way) Sometimes they can bleed. The best thing for them is tucks pads or hemorrhoid cream. My mother got them when she was pregnant with me 27 years ago and they never went away. I have only had mine for over a year. The dr told me they are aggravated veins near the a**s and the pressure put on them from pregnancy causes them to get closer to the surface. Hope this helps

  2. Many women get hemorrhoids during the later part of pregnancy.  

    (TMI alert):  Sometimes you can feel them, like there's something strange hanging out of your butt.  They can bleed when you wipe or have a bowel movement, and they can also burn and/or itch.

    Ask your doctor first, but Preparation H can be used to shrink the tissue and to relieve the burning an itching.  They will probably go away after you give birth, but in the meantime, make sure you are eating lots of fiber and drinking plenty of water, and try not to strain when you have a bowel movement.

  3. orenderc:

    One week of warm baths soaking in Epsom salts for a minimum of 30 minutes. Many people use Epsom salts to treat their constipation in baths to relieve muscle aches and pains and to draw out boils and carbuncles also good for hemroides. Upon completion dry off thoroughly and apply Preparation H.  Preperation H can be purchased over the counter at most grocery stores this particular product provides a line of hemorrhoid products to relieve the rectal itch and anal pain caused by hemorrhoids you should soon experience relief. Also, during this time watch what you eat (That means no hot or acidic foods) and try not to sit for long periods of time.

    Best 2 ya happy cheeks on the horizon.

  4. They can feel like little swellings, like grapes (or smaller). They often itch, burn, or just plain old hurt, especially with bowel movements. They can also bleed.

    You can use an anti-hemorrhoidal creme like Preparation H to help shrink the tissue and ease the discomfort. Also witch hazel pads (Tucks is one common brand) can be used on them to provide extra relief. To avoid constipation and straining with bowel movements, which not only causes discomfort but actually causes the hemorrhoids, consume extra fiber, take extra fluids, and use an over the counter stool softener like Colace, or a fiber laxative product like Miralax.

    They usually do go away after you deliver, but for some women they can flare up for the rest of your life.

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