Instead of having a completely free savings account, apparently they take fees out and then put them back in after that so if you have less in the account than the fees you get a $25 overdraft fee they won't remove. They also cashed checks with my routing number and someone else's name. I lost all of my money I had, which was only $350. They only returned $116 saying they couldn't prove the rest were "fraud". Except the fact that they all occurred in a city that I don't live in?! So whatever, I have a steady income so I took the hit. I got a new checking account with another bank so that that would never happen again. In order to get my measly $116 back I had to open up another Wells Fargo checking account for them to put it in, but they set me up with a FEE BASED checking account not my free one! I only left about $50 in it for 2 months and I check back and there's only $18! I was never told there would be a huge monthly fee (at least $12) on it, I'm supposed to have a free college checking account! They have actually done about 6 more crappy things to me, but I really should have listened to the lady from the other bank who said close your other accounts AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so they can't do anything else to you. Does anyone else have any horror stories?