
Has anyone else had problems with vonage?.....I could write a book, you?

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Has anyone else had problems with vonage?.....I could write a book, you?




  1. I have vonage and it works fine for me =/

  2. My Vonage works fine, no hassels, no problems.

  3. I used to work as a clerical type of person at a company that decided to switch to Vonage.  There were issues with what they were being charged for and then service problems... it got shoved over to ME to contact them and have it fixed.  They would never call me or email me back... and when I would finally get a hold of someone, they would act like they didn't know what I was talking about or just confuse me to the point where I just wanted to hang up and scream.

    Long story short, I left that job soon after.  LOL.

    I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Vonage.

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