
Has anyone else had the desire to go on a gas strike?

by  |  earlier

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I mean of course not for long, but these prices are getting ridiculous. That dependency feeling with gas. I hate it.




  1. well nobody is forcing you to drive, there are alternates as well

    public transit, carpools, cycling, even our two feet

  2. I'm on a gas strike. I've been riding my bike to work for yrs.

    A gas strike or boycott would work. The only problem is...You would have to boycott forever.

    The oil used to make gas is traded on a global market based on supply vs demand. Oil is world wide and the demand is UP world wide. The demand for oil never goes down. In 2003 China's demand went up 30%. India's demand is on the rise too. Any disruption of the supply of oil anywhere on the planet affects the price. The only way to get the price down is to have a major drop in demand or a major raise in the supply. It doesn't look like either will happen.

    We have to find a way to do without OIL!

  3. Who do you think would go on strike with you?

  4. I decided to stop eating broccoli. I'm saving money and no more gas!

  5. I traded  services for a 1980 puch moped. i will be having my own small gas strike. we own one moped and two scooters so far.

    I used to work out of town. Now I work only11 miles from my home. Depending on the weather i could even ride my bicycle to work.

    It may be hard for some people to change their ways of getting around, but there are options. Just yesterday i saw so many people out on bikes it was great. Some of them really neede the exercise if ya know what i mean!

    Taking the bus is an adventure some of the time. it sure beats the heck out of traffic in san jose.

  6. It won't work and would only hurt the indipendant stations not the big oil companies. The best thing you can do is stop driving and start taking public transit.

  7. No,I went back to work driving a gas truck! Dangerous job sometimes but cheap to fill my p.u.

  8. ABSOLUTELY!  It is really outrageous when people can't even afford to go back and forth to work!  I am on strike!  I feel good about it and I know it is gonna make a huge difference in my life and our environment too!  Anyone wanna join me?

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