
Has anyone else had their blog suddenly vanish on 360?

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I posted a new blog entry this morning and all of a sudden my blog was gone! You can still access my blog from the link in my blast, but it isn't showing on my page at all.

Has anyone else had this happen? Why are there so many d**n problems with 360????




  1. yes this has been happening a great deal for weeks to me.

    Now I only use the link "create a blog", and then I write the blog in a word document first, then I copy and paste it into the blog box with my pics or vids. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 tries to get the blog to post and stay, but I haven't lots a blog in a few weeks now.


  2. all you have to do is to edit it somehow - add a smiley face or something, and it's gonna be back :D

    I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago, that's what I did and it worked

  3. My individual blogs keep disappearing. Like, I click read more, and I get an old one. If I want to chekc comments, it says it doesn't exist. But I do know someone that happened to, so I'll star this.

  4. I've seen the blog thing before... Tigger's advice should work.  My entire page is broken.  I don't get any messages or invitations, and the comments section mysteriously disappears frequently, only to return a few days later.

  5. It's not my blogs (I don't have any), but everything else on my 360 has stopped working.  I can't send messages. I can't receive messages.  I can't delete messages or comments. Nobody can post comments on my 360.  I've sent invitations, but they are never received by the other persons. I don't receive other people's invitations.

    Nothing has worked for quite a while now.

  6. Hmmm...mine's still there (such as it is...I'm not good at keeping up with it).

    I can't get a blog to post unless I go out of IE7 and do it from Firefox.  

    What a mess!  I like 360 because it's easy to use, but there definitely are some bugs to be worked out.

  7. I went to My 360 first and OK then clicked on you and you Blog is there,but doesn't look like it has a border. I was never able to get to your page from my main acct. but now I can. HMMM idk but luv you back ground. going to lunch with Mom. can't wait to get back and here U sing.

  8. That was happening to me alot last year... so I moved all my blogs to another site...

  9. That happened to Colonel Obvious last week.  (I seem to recall Jeff and I giving her c**p that she didn't really make a blog...oops :P) Hasn't happened to me.

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