I tried getting pregnant through at-home-insemination on the 4th, 5th, and 7th of August. Took a billion pregnancy tests. I got nauseous, dizzy, and hungry constantly. I started getting into very peppy moods, which is not usual. I felt different to say the least. My period was supposed to come on the 28th. It was a no show. On the 29th, I had literally 4 spots through the day and night, and then by the 30th, nothing was there and hasn't been since. I've never spotted before, I always have heavy cycles.
Well, I got REALLY bad cramps on the 31st and my girlfriend freaked out and took me to the hospital, where I waited 5 hours to find out I wasn't pregnant through yet another urine test. To this day, no period and still getting nauseated frequently. And now I don't have any idea when I'm going to ovulate
What could be going on? Anyone else had this happen?