I had twins about a month ago. Throughout the pregnancy things were pretty good. They kept me up a lot at night because they were kickers but as far as pregnancies go I really can't complain.
They came a little early but fully developed and perfect in their beautiful baby way. The first week or so was hard. Just trying to get use to the new routine but really they've been pretty good babies.
Within the last two weeks or so they've developed this......habit........of crying, almost on cue around 6 o clock. I take them out and feed them and change them but the crying doesn't stop. I rock them, I sing to them, my husband holds them, etc. I mean we've literally done everything we can think of but they cry for about 30-45 minutes.
My husbands started calling this the witching hour. I spoke with a friend recently and she said her eldest daughter use to do that but they never figured out why. So far she is the only person I know who has experienced this with their child.
Is there anyone out there is has experienced this or something similar or could maybe offer up some suggestions on what to do?
It's really got me stumped.