
Has anyone else heard this crazy theory?

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I forget who the name of the dude is, but basically he thinks that long ago, B.C. era, aliens came to earth, helped the egyptians and other civilization, such as Atlantis, become advanced. He also says that they looked like giant lizards, bred with humans, and that a whole line of Lizard men have been walking the earth, took powerful political possitions, and that they are in disguise as humans. He says that they consider themselves the Illumanati and are made up of people like George W. Bush, The queen of England and the like. And yes, he believes that they really are lizard people and will one day take over the does anyone else believe this. And for the record, no I don't believe in this. Thx




  1. That sounds a lot like Scientology, but if it isn't it is equally ridiculous. Ask that person to produce some hard evidence if he expects you to take a story like that seriously.

  2. Been reading "Weekly World News", has he?

    This guy sounds like he's mildly schizophrenic. Anybody who believes him deserves what they get.

    Mind you, It's not really a secret that President Bush considers himself to be a member of the, as it were, "Illuminati." He belongs to a "super-secret" brotherhood, based out of Yale University, known as "Skull and Bones...."

    S&B seems to be a neverending source of controversy.....Now, whether these guys are just a bunch of greedy, chummy rich kids, or whether they have delusions of grandeur, remains to be seen...

  3. Yes I have heard this theory. It is interesting.

  4. Yes i have also heard the theory that It was the aliens that planted life on earth or that a meteorite with life oon it crashed on earth and then evolved

  5. Cheezits i think u hot every crazy notion in one question.

    When u first started with the aliens i was thinking L Ron Hubbard and Scientology

    then u hit u were talking about the Illuminati (which do actually exist by the way but im not sure they do what they say they do)

    and then it just went into babbling??

  6. Reminds me of the movie "Snakes Onna Plane"

    Did the writers/producers/directors/actors/Key Grip actually think anyone was stupid enough to watch that hunk of waste without yelling "Snakes are cold-blooded!  Turn up the frickin' AC!"

    Guess not a lot of lizerdmen live up north, eh?

    (No one from an advanced civilation uses the word "Nukular"... sorta blows that theory)

  7. Very interesting circle of thought.

    I can't believe this theory,but that is what they want me not to believe so they are controlling me, but if I do believe it, I go against my judgement but I free of the control of the ones Idon not believe in, so as long as they are real, and I don't believe in them, I am free. If they are real and I don't believe in them, I am a slave. If they are not real and I don't believe in them, I gain nothing really, if they are not real and I do believe in them I really gain nothing.

    The only logical win for me looks to be to believe in them whether they are real or not.  It may go against the grain, but it is the same reason people need to believe in one religion to make sure they go to heaven, The only way they lose is if it is real and they dont believe.

    My brain hurts.

  8. Yes,and I am one of those lizard people(we prefer lizard American)

  9. It is something we fear and do not want to believe.

    It is difficult to think that there is a species superior to us.

    This information about the reptilians has been published for years before any movie copied it. The proof in Egypt alone is staggering.

  10. No don't believe in this, sounds like a sience fiction movie plot.

  11. That was a movie called "V", also it was spun off into a tv series. I used to watch it when I was a kid. It was sci-fi, not real.

    No, I don't believe that there are lizard people, its a rediculous concept.

  12. no i havent

  13. David Icke

  14. Reptilians are quite tangible, you simply don't have enough power to get access to them. So, unless you are a member of some royal family or an elite secret society, don't start crying like a little baby about how you can't see them.  Every human being on Earth is not as weak as you. There are plenty of elite people who have seen and done things that you can't even fathom. Reality is that which actually exists, not just that which the masses are aware of.

    Why the h**l do you think the Reptilians would reveal themselves to you? They could care less about satisfying your desire to see them in person. But more importantly, they wouldn't reveal themselves to you because they don't even want you to know that they exist.

    Ironically enough, however--and this is indeed one huge irony--by you worshipping science and thinking that it will lead you to the truth, you are actually preventing the Reptilians from ever being exposed. This is because the Reptilians are the very ones who created science. Therefore, you cannot use science against them in order to expose them; that would be nonsensical. In fact, science already has safeguards against this kind of stuff (i.e., according to science, despite all of the evidence to the contrary, aliens do not exist).

    Truthists only care about the actual truth. However, humanity's version of "the truth" is severely flawed. Humanity defines the truth as "what is most reasonable." But, hello, if you have been deceived your entire life, then the concept of "reasonability" is completely useless. And by the way, the Reptilians are the ones responsible for humanity's flawed version of the truth. After all, they did create us.

    So, this concept of aliens secretly ruling the world is not just a theoretical possibility, it also happens to be the actual truth! And, this is no coincidence--the Reptilians intentionally designed society to be this very way. That is, society was designed so that no one would ever question the so-called "basic truths."

    Don't you guys realize that the very basis of this society is to worship authority (whether it is the government, science, the media, etc.)? And, whereas a religion has faith in the existence of an imaginary god, you guys have faith in the trustworthiness of your beloved authority figures--something which a Truthist would never dare have. You guys never ask for proof or evidence when information comes from an authority figure. Instead, you simply rely on your faith in the trustworthiness of the authority figure.

    For anyone who wants to know how the Reptilians are able to control humanity so easily, well, you are your own proof. First of all, you think that aliens are just "woo-woo" nonsense (Hmmm...I wonder who's ultimately responsible for giving you that idea?). But, moreover, you worship authority figures and believe everything that they tell you. So, this kind of ignorance leads to complacency. And therefore, the truth is now the least popular thing on Earth because no one even bothers to seek it. Instead, people have chosen to adopt one of the Reptilians' popular belief systems.

    So no, you cannot discover the truth about Earth's controllers if you simultaneously believe what these very same controllers tell you. And no, Earth's controllers would never willingly tell you the truth about themselves.

  15. I think you're thinking of David Icke.


  17. I have met some of these people or reptilians. There appears to be those who have the ability to disguise themselves to appear to look like humans such as famous people. But, I doubt they are always one and the same,all of the time. David Icke isn't the only one who believes some of this. There's Brantons Red Book and Michael Tsarion. I prefer to listen to Michael Tsarion over David Icke. There was a time many years ago that David Icke thought he was the messiah. Check Google videos for Michael Tsarion such as his view of Atlantis and 2012.

  18. To believe that Bush is a lizard person in disguised and one day take over the earth. Does the words, "duh what!!!" mean anything to you? If he needs a plot for a take over story I can give him a better one. Besides if they bred us and were here in the beginning then why the take over the earth part?

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