
Has anyone else here (under 15) ever seen dead people, or talked with them? ?

by  |  earlier

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if you say yes, i will not give you any points. if you say yes, it means you did not read the whole question.




  1. If you mean ghosts/spirits...then yes I have I do it all of the time, i am avery spiritual person...believe me or not...

  2. well i didnt talk to them becuase he was dad but i saw my great grampa in a coffin

  3. Well this is a stupid question

  4. i think that's what you get when you watch too much zombie movies

  5. saw a dead man lying in a pool of blood once when i was in 5th grade. For some reason, unlike my classmates, i didn't scream or freak out.

    My late great-grandfather used to talk to me in my dreams and i always woke up crying. I still have those dreams.

  6. uhh if you mean like saying goodbye to my dead grandpa at his viewing then yes. If you mean like something from the sixth sense then no and you should see a psychiatrist  

  7. Nope couldn't say I have probably  because I have ceased to pay attention to it I haven't been blessed with those "powers" my aunt is so I know and believe in after life I believe in god because of her right around 15-16 our bodies go through a faze every ones scared of what will happen so they try and fight with what they cannot approach until it has happened you will never know until your day comes so live life as it is don't change what you cannot physically change

  8. Well, i did read the whole question. You said has anyone else here (under 15?) ever seen dead people or talked with them.

    so, by else im assuming you have.

    and yes, i have as well.

  9. no not really

  10. my name is amy I'm 14 and i see dead people ( ghost )  yes i have talked to some of them. but the one time i did talk to one a girl about 17 18 she swore at me about her dress and a prom lol. I'm a indigo child.

    do you see and talk to dead people?

    you can right me at

    if you want

    sorry if i spelled some thing wrong

  11. Depends on what you believe I guess.

    If you mean physically talk with the dead...well, you can't actually walk up and talk to the dead because, well they are dead.

    If you mean in a sixth-sense kinda way, kids under 15 have been known to communicate with "dead" people while they dream or even awake, but in this circumstance, they are talking to their souls and not their bodies.

  12. dead people cant talk. you watch too much tv  

  13. No cuz dead peeps don't physically talk.

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