
Has anyone else not ovulated after their first cycle of Clomid?

by  |  earlier

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Hello out there. Well, after needing to take Progesterone to start a new cycle, I took 50mg of Clomid on days 5-9. I didn't have any side affects, OR ovulation... My dr. wants me to move up to 100mg of Clomid for my next cycle, but I may have to take the Progesterone again to start it. Has anyone been through this? I feel like even if I didn't get pregnant this time, I should have at least ovulated!!! I'm so scared and frustrated!!!




  1. I was on Clomid 50mg my first month and I did not ovulate! It was so frustrating. My doctor as well started me on Clomid 100mg. And I had to use provera both times to start my period. This was my first month taking the clomid, I went into my doc on the 25th and I had a great size follicle and he believed that I was going to ovulate on my own this time. So the 100mg. will hopefully work for you. I am in my waiting period now. SO I cant wait for the 2 weeks to hurry.

    Lots of baby dust to ya!

  2. I also started out on 50mg day 5-9. I didn't ovulate either. The next month went to 100mg and by using my clear blue easy fertility monitor it said I ovulated. I got pregnant that month after 2 years of trying. unfortunately it ended in m\c after 8wks.. I'm still thrilled that I got pregnant and can't wait to try again... it will work for you.. *baby dust*

  3. I am in the exact same situation right now. I just took my first pill of Provera today to induce a period so that I can take 100 mg Clomid, also my second cycle. I was sure I would ovulate on 50 mg Clomid last month b/c I had hot flashes and really bad abdominal cramps CD 14-17. Even the OPK's I was using looked like they were positive...but they weren't. I was in tears yesterday when my HPT was negative. I can't believe nothing happened. So, I guess I'm not really answering your question, I'm just empathizing with you.

    When I called my doctor's office yesterday to tell them my HPT results, the nurse reassured me that not ovulating the first round is completely normal. I know several girls that had to take a couple rounds of Clomid before ovulating...they are all either pregnant now or on maternity leave. :) So, hopefully the same will happen for us. I think the hardest thing for me is just that I still cannot believe I am dealing with infertility. I am only 25 & never thought this would happen to me. I am really sorry you have to go through this, too, & I am sending loads of baby dust your way!!! Best wishes to you!

  4. *puts hand up*....ummmm me. Just found it in the cupboard ,like.  Thought it might have been maw used to hide the sweeties in prescription medicine bottles you see!

      .....didn`t ovulate though. ;(

  5. I'm not sure if I ovulated either last month on my first cycle of clomid. I didn't get my period till CD 45. After about CD 35, I got really worried because I took HPT up to this point and they were all (-). I went back to the doctor, who told me I should have had my AF by now.He then prescript provera but by the time I picked up the medication, I got my period. I'm on CD 27 of my second cycle but I'm still not sure if I ovulated on this cycle either. I will wait out the 45 days to see if my period come. If not I will see if my DR will increase my doses(presently at 100mg). i don't know if you will/have experience this but I got mid cycle bleeding, that come and goes. I thinks is another side effect of clomid.

    Well anyways good luck and lots of baby dust to you(and me)

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