
Has anyone else noted the jeremy kyle show is sponsors by a gambling company i find this two faced what do you

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as an ex gambler how can he be so two faced. why not be sponsored by white lighting?




  1. ha ha

  2. who cares.

    you should be complaining that the government is taxing too much from the English people of there hard earned money, and giving nothing back.

  3. Because it's a chavs playground, and advertisers want to advertise to the most appropriate audience.

    Yes it is two faced. The ganbling/tobacco/alcohol advertising laws in this country are c**p.

  4. dont know about that but i hate kyle so much .i would like to see him caught up in some kind of scandle in the news of the world.hes a self rightous a55 wipe.anyone else feel this way or am i the only 1 that hates him.LOL

  5. It's because the law changed for gambling companies a few months ago and they are now allowed to advertise on TV and Radio.

    That target audience (women at home during the day with nothing else to do) is perfect for Bingo or Casino operations.

  6. the Jeremy kyle show is boring mindless fluff.

    Always the same subject, somebody was cheating on somebody, who is the farther of this baby, druggies, alcoholics and generally thick as S**t chavs who can't do a days work or get their life in order.

  7. the whole show is a scam how anyone can deliberately 'goad' the contestants to get angry for entertainment is appaling.  Have you noticed also that the people that go on there are usually lower classes with little education?  thats because they don't realise they are being exploited

  8. Ever watched his show?  If you have, you wouldn't be surprised.  The guy's a prize w****er with a holier-than-thou attitude that needs slapping out of him.

  9. He's right up there on the list of Top British twats with Grodon Brown and David Cameron in my opinion.

  10. omg

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