
Has anyone else noticed an increase in attacks on the McCain Palin ticket by level 1 trolls?

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Has anyone else noticed an increase in attacks on the McCain Palin ticket by level 1 trolls?




  1. yes  

  2. Yes, sir, as soon as Sarah Palin was nominated.

    The reaction of desperation. Suicide bloggers?

    Add: You are absolutely right! So many inane, childish questions from September joins in level 1. Below 100 pts, so you know they just signed on to ask demeaning questions. I'd really like to know if it's a "left-wing conspiracy" or Obamabots taking the initiative.

  3. Yes. Freshly recruited by Obamabot Central or level 2 and  higher level Obamabots whose accounts were suspended for their inappropriate content like calling Palin a MILF, ranting and insulting other members.

  4. McCain sucks! I'm level two foo

  5. Yes

  6. Level 1? I don't think so, but I have noticed that Palin is weak around the edges and that she needs to study because now she knows competing is not with Obama, but she debates with Biden, so, I guess the big screen is over for her, she doesn't get what she wants.

  7. Obama is running scared.  He knows he's got nothing.

    The petty remarks about Palin are just a sign of how strong she is as a candidate.

  8. Interesting that Yahoo goes along and entertains their complaints by deleting questions.

    Of course any appeals goes no where.

  9. YES!



    Total answers 3995

    Questions asked 378

    Lots of time on yours hands?

    You should get a job!

    It's not what this country can do for you!


  10. Maybe they are trying to get enough points to become level 2 trolls.

  11. No, but it must mean that Nobama knows hes in trouble and is sending out the clones for damage control.

  12. Up 3,000% since Sunday.

  13. Yes, the mindless Obama fanatics that have surrendered to the cheap media hype are out in force with the only creative outlet they have - typing redundant critical responses, as if they were displayed on the teleprompter of the Chosen One, The Messiah, the Great One himself....

  14. Trolls like yourself? Deal with it - it's called democracy at work.  

  15. i hate the mud slinging...give me facts...and yes, i have noticed attacks on both sides through commercials, news and really is this the information we are going to have to choose our next president...come on the bigger man ....

    kelly b

  16. that's funny because i've noticed a whole lot of non-substance from top contributers. the truth is more people are getting interested in politics the closer we are to an election. the political junkies are a little jaded and arent used to "real people" giving their opinions.

  17. The left is desperate. Palin is a very appealing candidate.

    While the liberals whine about her "Views", they miss the point. She understands that she works for the people. We need people in government who do whats best, not for their donors, but for the people of the USA

    You don't get an 80% approval rating by being divisive or by pushing an agenda. You get it by doing the right thing, over and over and over.

  18. It is because Mccain chose a wh*re to run for VP

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