
Has anyone else noticed gas burning off faster?

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To me it seems like the gas in my tank is burning faster than it has before. I have even tried conserving, like easing off the accelerator and everything else I can think of. I'm thinking I'm either imagining it, or the oil companies are pulling more tricks. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?




  1. change your air filter.and put on summer carefull where you buy gas. believe it or not some gas stations have better fuel than others.dont buy gas from a station that is having their tanks filled. all the dirt in the tank gets stirred up. like a shallow lake bottom.

  2. depends where you live

    look at the pump where you fill up

    if it says ethanol...expect a 20 percent drop in milage

  3. Your car is probably telling you something is going wrong. My mom keeps a record of gas she has used and has a chart to calculate the mpg she gets. When there is a drop and it is consistent, she brings her car in to get it checked out. This is also good preventative maintenance because you can fix a problem before it gets too serious and cost you more money.

    The simple things that you yourself can do would be to check your tire pressure and replace the air filter. Have a mechanic check out the things that are more difficult to do. Major tune-up for example.

    And lastly, get a locking gas cap if you don't have one already. Someone may be tapping into your tank...not a lot but enough.

  4. I think it is just you, but lately I have been hearing the same things from some of my friends.

  5. If they already switched to Summer blend gas then yes your milage is a little worse.

  6. Who knows..But first i would check my car out. Many things mechanically could cause a loss in milage. Tire pressure, air-filters, fuel-filter etc.. Also hot weather could add to more gas burning especially if you use air conditioner or drive the highway with windows down. ...It could be that these days everyone is a little more cautious of there gas use. so it could be that your just paying more attention you know? good luck

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