
Has anyone else noticed.......?

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the steady decline in customer service? (Fastfood being the worst) No "Hello, welcome to whatever burger joint you happen to be at" No "would you like onion rings or fries, mustard, ketchup, mayo, etc" Half the time I dont even get a total till I get to the pick up window. Half the time my order is wrong and slopped together. No "thank you and come again" It seems like there is ALWAYS horseplay and cutting up in the background..... I dunno.... I'm 27 now but when I was 16-17 I use to work at a burger joint, and we took our job seriously! I mean as a teenager, yes we would cut up and play around but NEVER in front of customers! Just seems to me that now days noone really cares.. Even the managers (the GROWN ups) act as if they could care less about wether or not you come back.




  1. yeah ive noticed

  2. Americans are too caught up in political correctness, and an "everybody is equal" attitude.  As far as rights go, yes, everybody is equal, but that does not mean we have an equal drive to do well.  People don't care because they know they don't have to.  They won't get fired because managers don't want to be insensitive.

  3. consider the source....who do you see always workin in fast food?....and since when did they ever give a c**p about anyone but thierself -.-

  4. yes. i have noticed this.  i have also noticed that it is usually the older workers that are nicer.

    how many kids working at those places WANT to be there?

    usually i say "thank you" when given my order, but i always end up thinking that THEY should be thanking ME !

  5. I don't eat fast food too often, but I have noticed this at places like Target. All of the people working at the check outs are in high school and they don't even pretend like the care about their jobs! But I shop there anyways, and I guess this is what the company is counting on when they hire cheap help.

  6. Guess thats McDonalds these days

  7. Yes I have. My mom and I have gone to McDonalds and other places many times (even though I can drive I spend Saturday days with my mom since I never get to see her during the week) and my mom is always very offended by the lack of respect because she herself works at a restaurant as a waitress. Another example in lack of customer service not even involving food is when I went into verizon the other day to get a new plan. This woman was helping another customer and informed me that another person would be out to help me shortly. Well ten minutes later a guy comes stumbling from the back and begins cleaning out the cash drawer at a desk. I asked the woman if he was the one to help us and she said "yeah, he just doesn't want to leave money laying on the counter." Meanwile the guy just PUT the money on the counter himself when he was supposed to help me. Frustrated I just left and will go back in when a kid that I have met before in there is there.  I agree that customer service is really going downhill. I believe mostly because people need money and they'll get even if they get the money through a crappy job. Unfortunately, many people who do not enjoy working allow that to appear on their faces and it makes the customers miserable too. One last thing is I know exactly what you're talking about when you actually have to ask for condiments instead of having them be offered.

  8. Yes, its declined and will probably get worse. If i'm handing out my hard earned cash i'd at least like a smile to go with it. After all, how hard is it to smile and say have a nice day?

  9. lack of customer service rings loud every where....not just fast food.

  10. I hear what you are saying I just think it depends on where you are and the average age of the workers there.

  11. i totally agree

    some people dont have any customer skills at all

    i went to jack in the box and i said hi to the girl an she just looked at me like yeah what do you want

    totally rude

  12. Yes, you are correct!!  I too worked at a fast food place actually a couple of them and made minimum wage and it was no game.  There are a few good fast food places that have quality service that can be counted on.  Chic-Fil-A, and In-n-Out (California).  I think they pay a little better but their employees don't get the orders wrong and you don't have to repeat it.  At a lot of other restaurants you can count of your order being messed up.

  13. does anyone actually  care? its not a big deal

  14. I never get what i ask for, so i turn around and go in and tell them that they got my order wrong. I GOT USE TO IT.

  15. i agree with you but i guess they are doing their part for the FAST food industry. not the lets keep everyone waiting one.

  16. why should they pretend to care when they so obviously don't....

  17. Oh yeah...the other day in Hollywood Video, I was standing at the counter for a good 30 seconds when I finally had to ask the three clerks behind the counter to stop their conversation and help me.

  18. yes well the reason the managers dont care is that most of them are only teens or barely legal adults anyways. I worked for a fast food resturaunt for two weeks a couple of years ago and the "managers" failed to show up to open the store my boyfriend refused to leave me standing outside in the dark and he had to be at work we had waited for an hour it was almost 6am later that day I called when I knew the older more mature boss would be there and I was told I was fired for not showing up the manager that failed to show up to open the store is now the store manger and the service is worse than it ever has been so yeah i feel ya. Its easier to keep goof offs that wont ask for a raise than hire good workers that may cost more in a couple of weeks.

  19. I was going to say "You get what you paid for" until I remembered no trip to McDeath on a Bun is under $10

    kid's nowadays... and they're probably constantly told they're doing a fantastic job, just like Mr. Rogers brainwashed us into telling all children regardless of their performance.

  20. well i mean these jobs dont pay enough to hire someone who gives a c**p. i mean obviously some fast food places have some good workers but most of them can make more money doing something else. also in some cities they hire people who dont even speak the official language of the country they are in. that makes ordering food even more difficult. personally i stay away from fast food because, like you said, the service sucks. plus the food is gross and is bad for you.

  21. Because the honor system in the United States is non-existent. And because let's face it, in a video-game and movie driven world, working at the drive-thru sucks.

    Kids are growing up at an alarming rate today, and when their realization of a crappy job and lack of impatience comes through, they're only there so they can use the meager wage to support their entertainment driven lifestyle.

  22. it depends on where and when

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