
Has anyone else noticed that more commercials than music is actually played on most stations?

by  |  earlier

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It drives me crazy, how about you?

I know, I know...get satellite radio. ;)

For now I have to settle on CDs.




  1. It may seem like it when you're waiting through a bad spot, but the truth is, stations play a lot more music than commercials. Just to be sure, do an experiment. Sit down with a note pad and timer, you can probably use the one built into most computers (check your control panels).

    Do this when you've got a full hour during the week between 6A - 6P. Start at the "top" of the hour :00 and go through :59. Write down everything that runs on your favorite station and how long it runs. Divide everything into four broad categories: chatter/talk (including weather and traffic), music, commercials and station promotional announcements.

    You'll probably log about 10-13 minutes of commercials in your hour, depending on the format of your station and the time of day. The rest will be one of the other three categories - all of which to a station program director are NOT commercials.

    Once you've done that, you can tell your friends you "clocked" the station - and you'll have accurate information. Most stations that brag about playing a lot of music will probably come in at approximately 11 minutes of commercials, 7 minutes (or less) of talk, 2 minutes of station promos leaving about 40 minutes of music. This will change drastically in morning "drive" time - so take that into consideration.

    - a guy named duh

  2. I agree with Patrick, BUT I would set the max at 15 minutes. 12-13 is usually average. 10 mintues of commerecials is about the best it gets these days.

  3. yeah and when they play music they only play the same 5 songs over and over again.

  4. yeah thats why i listen to yahoo music

  5. Well, duh. Commercials are 30 seconds long.

  6. switch stations.  no brainer.  if a station is playing more than 20 minutes of commercials per hour, that's insane. Stop listening to them, period.

  7. the radio has been that way for long time, some stations have blocks where they d limited or no commercials, other than that you said the two other alternatives

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