
Has anyone else noticed that most of the British Gold Medal winners don't know................?

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The words of the first verse of the British National Anthem? 1. God save our gracious Queen,

Long live our noble Queen,

God save the Queen!

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us;

God save the Queen!




  1. They take their lead from the last Tory Governemt who appointed a Welsh Secretary whose patently had not learnt the Welsh Anthem. He had to mime the words and was caught on live TV doing the doo dum da da thingy  !!

    They probaly think the National Anthem is Swing Low Sweet Chariot or Flower of Scotland !!

  2. For most of them English is their second language by the sound of it.

  3. I will forgive them, they are doing their job winning, good enough for me.

  4. That's a shame.  But I have a feeling there's a reason for that.

    Note: I remember when I was asked on the spot back in third grade what the pledge was, but I was so panicked that I forgot. lol

    So perhaps it's not that they didn't know, but it's that they were on the spot perhaps.

    But atleast they won, right?

  5. I am a patriotic real Brit but I do not like God Save the Queen, after all it was set up by the Royal spin doctors to influence as many as possible to be Royal supporters.

    Can you imagine Gordon Brown changing it to "God Save the Prime Minister" ?

  6. Don't blame the medal winners, millions of uk residents don't know.

  7. I think a lot of them know it but they are just not that bothered with singing it. Lets be honest we all know a Cliff Richard song but who is going to own up to singing it. Whether the athletes are patriotic is open for debate though.

  8. i hate the queen.

  9. I know the British national anthem, but I would never sing it.  I don't believe in god, and I'm not particularly enthused by our monarchy.

  10. I don't think that a lot of youngsters know the words to our National Anthem - and if you look at various surveys they seem to be lacking in a lot of knowledge regarding our country.  Shame on the schools.

  11. perhaps, but i suggest that many are simply shattered after giving the performances of their lives, and most would just like a sit down and a cup of tea.  

  12. Yes and I don't know it either.  Most of us British Republicans don't care much for the UK national anthem and probably only know the opening line, which goes something like, "Gawd saver 'er Queen, and dunnit Victorious. . . ." etc blah.

    s*x Pistols - God Save the Queen - the official version.

    One other point about the UK national anthem, who's idea was it anyway, and what the h**l does it have to do with we the people?

    Some of the verses of this awful derge are so anti-Scottish, I wonder the Jocks don't take them to court over it. . . .practically racist.

    One final point - anyone who knows the second verse of this dreadful song, must be foreign.

  13. Surely what is more worrying is the way that most of them hold the British flag upside down!  I've lost count of how many times I've seen it carried or hoisted upside down, I've given up watching now.

    Holding it upside down is an international distress call - enough said!!  

  14. Well, Well, Well

  15. It's the end of the world as we know it. We're all doomed...

    It's not really that important is it?

  16. Whats more important, knowing the words or winning the medal. I think that I would go for gold.or silver or even bronze. 36 of them to date  Well done guys.  

  17. probably been told by their agents not to sing until they,ve negotiated a price.

  18. That's what happens when you have ringers.

  19. Clearly, neither do you.

  20. Union Jack not a school subject?  Egad!   Let us hope we don't rely on School for our entire range of knowledge and interests in life.

  21. As they have just won gold medals they could be forgiven for their minds being elsewhere. And the national anthem is not terribly important in the grand scheme of things

  22. And me, I've heard the 3rd verse is racist (anti Scottish to be precise) so I'm not going to memorise it.

  23. i think that kids are not allowed to be taught the national anthem in schools as it upsets ethnic minorities

  24. it's nice that you know it.

    I don't know it either why should i it's not something that you are taught in school,

  25. I don't know it either, it doesn't matter to be honest.

  26. Maybe they have no allegiance to an inbred german?

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