
Has anyone else noticed that spaghetti hoops taste a bit like blood?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, firstly no I'm not a vampire and no I don't go eating blood, we all know what it tastes like. I was eating some heinz spaghetti hoops (how common!) and I couldn't finish them because they had a really metallic taste, not unlike that of blood. I thought maybe their tin was damaged but it's happened more than once. Has anyone else noticed this? I wont be eating them again any time soon!




  1. It's 1973! it's dinnertime and I'm avin 'OOPS!

  2. I have never heard of heinz spaghetti hoops, but if I ever do see them I will remind myself not to pick up a can .

  3. If the tins are made of iron this can make the food taste like blood as iron is a main constituent of blood. I'd recommend changing brands.

  4. yes they do.i hate eating them these days.and the spaggetti.

  5. I respectfully disagree, i have them every other day on TOAST!!!!

    (maybe Im a vampire)

  6. No !!! stop eating them !!! there is something not right with those hoops !!!

  7. Cant say Ive noticed that... sorry and all.

    It is probably because of the coating on the inside of the tin. It will also prob depend on where you buy them and what make you buy - try getting a diff make from a diff shop



  8. i completely agree, ive always asked my brother (when we ate them as children) and he always disagreed with me...

  9. I've noticed it too.  I dunno what it is, though...

    I think they usually taste funny if you heat them up in a microwave instead of a saucepan

    Unless someone fell into the sauce mix at the Heinz factory.


  10. depends what brand u eat, i eat heinz and it just tastes like tomatos

  11. i am a vampire and thank you for answering why i like them so much they taste like blood that explains why i binge on them

  12. it's the sauce.  it's a bit irony, i have to agree - but for some reason i still like them!

  13. I've never heard of Spaghetti Hoops so I'm guessing they're pretty close to Franco-American's Spaghetti-Os.  I've noticed that tomato-based canned foods have a metallic taste (it's the reason I don't like V-8 from a can).  Blood has iron, so I can see where you'd make the association.

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