
Has anyone else noticed that the McShame supporters seem to be getting angrier every day?

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I started noticing it when Biden was announced.




  1. look for it to get worse, a lot worse.

    mccain was really counting on hillary not really getting behind obama.

    you could almost hear them all groan last night during her speech...

  2. You aren't too informed, are you?  Read the far left blogs and websites, then read the far right ones.  Both are ridiculous, but I think you'll see the hatred leans far more to the left.  And I think that McCain supporters were pretty happy with Obama's choice.  Hilary was the only one that would have helped him, and he knew it.  But was too arrogant to pick her.

  3. I know, they're all really grumpy like McCain. They just randomly yell "You lousy kids, get off my lawn!!" It's freaky.

    VOTE OBAMA/ BIDEN '08!!  

  4. Yeah, leading in the polls makes us real angry.

    I think a better word for it is giddy.

  5. They're just sore losers that's why.

  6. No.  First time in recent history a candidate didn't get a bounce in the polls from his VP choice.  Not good news for the Messiah.  Maybe you mistook joy for anger?

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