
Has anyone else noticed the economy has take a turn for the worse in the last two years?

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And gas prices have gone through the roof, since the democrats have taken control of Congress.




  1. You seem to forget, which Neocons tend to do, That they were in charge for 6 years, and then have blocked ALL legislation since the Dems took over, but fear not...that will change VERY SOON!!  HEEHEEHEE

  2. democrats said anything they could to get their cushy jobs .and promises everything .do a thing they've done is get their pay raises and leave for vacation on time .and shows how much they care about America .and I thought the democrats a democrat don't matter what post  they hold .

  3. Yeah, it's because of all the pay raises they voted for. Sick people.

  4. Democrat governance is always bad for our country's economy. They lied about lowering gas prices to get elected, and now we see what their true intentions are. No wonder that the Dem-led Congress has such a historically-low approval rating.

  5. The economy has been destroyed by the Bush administration's massive, unsustainable government spending over the last 8 years.  

  6. Yes, with a Dem majority Congress.  And now they are satisfied with what they've done right before the elections and they're taking a long vacation.  

  7. Are you serious, the economy has dropped every since Bush started his rampage, now you want to blame the Dems. Does the right every take responsibility for their actions?

  8. You have got to be joking! Did Rush tell you that? Dems don't have enough votes yet to override republicans and Bush. Do you think the economy just took a turn for the worse in the last 2 years? It's been tanking since 2002.

  9. Yes, I have. Of course this is pure coincidence :)

    Off topic: A warning for politics & government regulars:;...

  10. It started when republican congress approved Bush's war ($10 billion/month = a YEAR budget for education)  and state budget went from surplus to deep debt.

  11. Yeah, I've noticed.

    The two main factors have been the money taken by dishonest mortgage brokers (it wasn't only homeowners taking out more equity in new loans than they could afford--brokers made a tidy profit by a) over-appraising homes that were being refinanced and b) not informing customers that they qualified for lower rate fixed loans so that they could receive kickbacks for ARM's) and the increase in the price of oil due to the war in Iraq, the threatening situation revolving around Iran, and the shift of money out of real estate and into oil futures,

    If you'll tell me how the Democratic Congress is to blame for these things, I'll vote for McCain in Novenmber.

  12. The economy always goes down hill when Democrats are in charge. It is a historical fact. Johnson, Carter, Clinton ect.

  13. it doesn't turn that quickly sparky....  Bush has been driving it into the ground since 2000.  That is what you are seeing.

  14. True... True.. funny how they ran on the promise to reduce the price of gas, which was *well* under $3 a gal. at the time... Now they want to "improve" the economy.. If past experience is any guide I'd look for a depression that would make the '29 Stock Market crash look like a walk in the park..

  15. Nice try.  Try going back further.  The economy has been in decline since Bush brought back the supply-side scam.  It happens every time they do it.  The only thing Democrats are to be blamed for is not speaking up loud enough and educating the American people on the subject.

  16. What I find interesting is the answers to polls they conduct. A majority of Americans believe the economy is in poor condition and heading in the wrong direction. However, when asked how their personal situation is, roughly 75% of Americans claim to be doing well. How can this be?

  17. OPEC and the Islamic cartel are doing all they can to slowly but surely destroy the US.  Maybe some day this country will again drill for oil and gas.  

  18. The phenomenon started before Dems became the slim majority in Congress.  It's just that most Cons were turned out before that.

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