
Has anyone else noticed there are some corrupt people leading innocent young people about s*x?

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Have you noticed some people asking questions that sound a bit dubious and targeting young children/teenagers around the ages of 11-14 yrs of age about s*x etc?? If you have noticed do you have any suggestions what we all can do about it as to help protect the innocent young people......yes I know they need to learn about reality BUT IT SHOULD BE DONE CAREFULLY AND IN A SAFE ENVIRONMENT TO PROTECT you think the young 11-14 yr olds know the difference of who really cares and the ones who PRETEND TO BE SINCERE and those people are really trying to corrupt them by playing with the young people's vulnrability of their CURIOUSITY ABOUT SEXUALITY?? Please decent and sincere answers only. Only mature answers as this is a sincere and serious question.!!




  1. The birds and the bees should only be taught at home, not in public such as school. There should be a vote to whether to have school teach the people's children about the birds and the bees or not, consider that every parents have a different ideas about it. I won't want a promiscuous person, or homosexual, or L*****n teaching my kids about the birds and the bees.

  2. well,you and i are in the same boat,this issue severely concerns me too.As a mother of two sons-17yrs-13yrs- allow me to suggest some of what I'm actually doing in raising them,          letting them feel an overwhelming love from you , this helps in demolishing the boundaries between  you and them and in-turn encourage our teens to talk freely about what they want or what ever they're going through ,so i have access into their thoughts which enables me to guide them ,enlighten them against what ever corrupt influence they might come  across .SMOOTHLY  and  in indirect speech ,i try to sensitize them about negative consequences which they might be led to by twisted persons. It is very important to show them that all i want for them is to be happy ,the  the sort of happiness that lasts rather than the quick ecstasy that ends up  to unpleasant situation.They should decide themselves how to behave ,how to be responsible of their actions, act as responsible as a grown up person. Finally i think it is my duty to watch over  their activities especially the INTERNET ,of course without their knowledge to interfere at the right moment.As a Muslim mother prying to god for their protection against devil's allies, after all ,its between god's hands. PS. forgive me English isn't my native language.

  3. Yahoo does monitor, if you want to do your part report the person posting. It doesn't help with the kids posting pictures on the Internet asking if they are pretty. However Yahoo does delete the post.

    More importantly its the parents responsibility to monitor their children.

    Not mine.  The age to post on these boards is 13 years old.

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