
Has anyone else noticed this?

by  |  earlier

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All the random questions here by non-users of the FIFA all the Qs with no section just get dumped here now?

FQ- What time will they show the Olympic football games where u live?

- Its gonna be like at 5am here (Eastern time) =\




  1. lmao! True hehe

    They will be in the morning or after lunch in Italy, which means I will follow from my PC at work :D

  2. yeah..ive noticed some out of place q's as well..

    I guess they've sem to lazy to categorize em themselves...

    I live in West coast..

    so, i think they will show around 2 am or so. problem for me =)

    i'm ALWAYS awake around that no bother...

    Fits my schedule perfectly..

  3. Hey, hey, now I am a regular FIFA user, I've been here for about a year. I only ask random questions here because I'm bored and I like to see what the FIFA Forum people have to say. I do ask football questions too, it's just you know when there's not that many people on and no one's asked anything, I'll ask a random question :)

  4. i know its stupid like go find a different section!

    FQ- not sure!

  5. well as long  as  they are  random That is what matters to me

  6. ive noticed that too.

    Im pretty sure its going to start around 5 am here too. =/

    i dont know how im gonna do it, last time i had to wake up that early to watch football was when the world cup was held in korea ( i think it was even earlier) and i fell asleep for half of those matches lol...i guess thats what coffee's for :)

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