
Has anyone else realized that u never hear of people with really big families anymore?

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I know my grandma had nine kids, her mother had 12. I miss the days when people had that many kids it would be so wonderful to have 12 kids they would always have someone to play with :)

Where do you stand on having big families like that?




  1. yeah i agree BUT i costs a lot more to have large families these days.

    i have 4 girls now and i am hoping to have at leats 2 more kids :)

  2. Oh well the jon and kate plus 8 show on TLC shows there are some familes with a lot of family members in them... and recently there was a woman who just gave birth to her 16th or 17th child.

  3. i think these days it would be harder to have to many kids. money i gettin tighter and tighter

  4. ppl dont do this anymore because 1: its too expensive 2:mom and dad work now and 3:there is birth control!!

    i would never wanna have that many kids! its hard to clothe and feed them.

    take a look at mine and tell me what you think plz:;...

  5. I have two kids and for me that is enough. My dad comes from a family of 6. I can't imagine what it must be like for the larger families I know with the cost of everything it is sometimes hard for us with only two boys.  

  6. I wish I could have a big family but who can afford it?

  7. Cuz nobody can afford to feed themselves nevermind an ARMY of children.

    My grandmother had 5 kids, that's a lot if you ask me. I have one child and one stepdaughter. There isn't a chance in h**l I'll have a bigger family unless I strike oil or win the lotto.

    I'm already eating hot dogs daily.

    ** ADD **

    I'm SO sorry, but did you just compare Angelina Jolie to us regular people? Cuz that's just silly...she has loads of money coming out her EARS and well, I work 40+ hours a week for a whopping $400. Can you REALLY compare? I don't think so.

  8. I think the main reason there were huge families like that is because there was no birth control.  I don't think people planned their families back in the day like they do now.  You just got how ever many kids you got.  

    I think there were good things about it.  Kids had to learn how to get along with others, share their things and not be so selfish and greedy.  I think kids today don't really learn to share and work with others.  I know I didn't and I still have trouble with it even now.  I hate when other people are in my stuff.  I have a big selfish streak, I try to keep it in control but it's hard.  

  9. If you can afford it then it doesn't matter how many kids you have.

    But it doesn't matter what you and I think people are going to have as many kids as they want. I have four sons and since I had big babies I had to have four c-sections so for me I can't have anymore kids. I am a small petite person so it wouldn't be safe for me to have so many c-sections. The reason I would not want a "big family" which I would define as seven or more (I know several families with five or six kids) is not only because I don't think my husband and I could afford such a big family but also because I don't think I would be able to give them the individual attention they would deserve.

  10. I have six sisters, yes, seven girls.  We are all very close, but we were down right poor growing up!  I would have loved to have a big family, but who can afford it?  I wanted my children (I have three) to have a better child hood than I did.  So instead of having a giant family ourselves, we (my sisters and I) make sure that our kids are close to their cousins.  ( I have 17 nieces and nephews)

  11. I WISH I could have that many kids I really really would. If it wasn't for the situation of how expensive things are, I would seriously have like 12 kids. I love being a mommy. I want a HUGE family!!!!!!!!!

    Edit: I don't think only having 2 kids is about being able to parade them around like a fashion accessory I think it is because things are expensive and people want to be able to provide well for their children. I for example want to be able to travel with my kids, and I know comming from a larger family that it is hard when you have a lot of kids, is you have four kids you have to feed 6 people, buy clothes for 6 people, it's just too expensive. I would love to have as much money as the jolie-pitt crew but I don't, so I won't be bringing that many kids into the world because I want to be able to give them all what they deserve. Why can't a family with 2 kids be a perfect happy family. I don't really understand that persons comment at all.

  12. When i was younger i wanted 14 children, just the idea of being surrounded by my children, and having them being surrounded by so much love.

    My husband was up for a big family, he wanted nothing more. But since i almost died in childbirth, twice, we decided three was enough.

    Three years later and im expecting twin girls.

    People still give me funny looks in the street, and my mom thinks its just a tad ridiculous.

    Angelina Jolie, is doing it, and everyone just seems to LOVE her. So why is it any different for us? We can afford it, and we can give them all the love and attention they want, so where is people's problems?

    And i mean i only have 5! My sister is trying for number 7!

    Honey, if i could, i'd have 12 children, in a second.

    When i see people with their one boy and one girl, walking around like life is perfect it makes me laugh. And i laugh even more when they get "careless" and they find themselves pregnant with "mistake" number three.

    Kids, in too mnay people's opinions, are like fashon accessories. They'll have one of each, dress them to the nines, and parade them around, showing them off to people.

    Parenthood, is NOT about that, and i dare anyone to prove me wrong.

    EDIT: i'm not saying that a family with only two children cannot be happy, far from it. But where i live, it is what the familes do. I ahve respect fro ANYONE who brings children into this world, as that in itself is a massive commitment, and deserves rewarding.

    It is the people who ahve more money than sense , that feel the need to use their children to show off their wealth.

    I'm sorry if my comment offended anybody, or made anybody mad, but as i said, i did not mean it personally.

    It is just my opinions, and things that i ahve seen happen where i live x

  13. Don't get me wrong - I love kids.  But today's society just doesn't allow for that many kids unless you are filthy rich.  And I am a firm believer that the world is very populated and having 9, 10, 11 kids is just not necessary anymore UNLESS you are going to adopt.

  14. times have changed and so has the economy, if we had 12 kids today it would cost so much they would eat you out of a house and home, lol.  i have three daughters as of right now, we are trying to have our fourth and final child and i'm told that we will be considered a big family.  back then they grew there own crops and killed their pigs and made their own clothes so it wasn't as expensive to raise children.  i think every family is different and what might seem to large to someone else may not seem large to you at all.  if i had the financial means to raise more children i would definitely do it, but in this day and age it's hard enough to provide for our selves.  

  15. Things were a lot cheaper back in the day.  Gas prices, inflation and the war have all made it a lot harder to afford things.  I think if you are going to have a big family like that, you need to have a very good paying, stable job that allows you to pay for all your children.  I know of too many (not all) large families that live happily off the government with no regards that other families may need it more than they do.

    I say if you can afford it and you can split your time to spend time with each child, then that's your right and your business.  But honestly I don't see how you can split your time evenly between 12 children, or like the Duggars having 18!

  16. If you can afford it then I'm fine with it.

    It's all a matter of what's important to you in terms of cost. Some people think if they can't give each child everything they want then they can't afford children. Some people think you should only have as many children as you can afford to send to college.

    My husband and I can give our children everything they NEED and some of what they want.

    My husband and I can easily afford our six children. We could probably afford 10 if we had to. But definitely no more than that, and no, I couldn't spread myself between 10. I do great with six, but no way with 10.

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