
Has anyone else seen the Democrats so peeved off?

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For me not since Florida in 2000

I guess they didn't like McCain stealing their thunder.




  1. And you actually want the DNC fired up and mad at John McCain's hypocrisy? You guys are funny! Yes get the DNC mad and give the ammunition! Better for the GOP? lol ooook

  2. Amazing.  They didn't like that bubble getting popped.

  3. I love the smell of liberal desperation in the morning

    It smells like


  4. You have to admit, that was some of the best thunder stealing in political history.  

  5. ha ha ha,they need a bimky.

  6. the dems hate it when the Republicans make perfect choices so they try to make independents think its not perfect

  7. Are you talking to yourself again? Why do you do that?

  8. where are you getting this from. Dems are happy of Mcpain's choice

  9. That is because they talked all that c**p and sent out a press release saying they didn't need the disaffected Clinton supporters. They thought that they had them locked in and it just blew up in their face.  

  10. It's like shooting fish in barrel.

    They are grasping at straws trying to discount Palin.

    They say - She has NO experience

    She is GOVERNOR OR ALASKA which provides MORE experience that Obama - INCLUDING - foreign policy experience since she has to deal with Canada and Russia regularly negotiating trade routes and fishing rights.

    They say - the GOP is pandering

    Who is pandering - They passed over more qualified people who would have had a better shot at being elected for the sole purpose of giving a bi-racial man born in Kenya the nomination.

    They say - they picked her just because she is hot.

    I think that was just one of the reasons - no the only reason.

    Sorry dems - CHECK MATE!

  11. On the contrary. Most of the Democrats are very happy and see this nomination of Ms. Palin as gift. She's a weak candidate at best and is more of the same when it comes to keeping the ultra-conservative strangle hold on Washington.  

  12. On the contrary, it is celebration time. Super convention, super veep in Biden, and John McCain shooting himself in the foot with Palin. What's not to like? If anyone is peeved, though, it is because it is such an insult for him to think that Hillary supporters would go flocking after this extreme right-wing Annie Oakley. About as brilliant a vice-presidential choice as Dan Quayle was for George's daddy. Remember Dan Quayle? He probably reminded Bush of his son, and left us such immortal remarks as:

    [It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system.

    Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.

    One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'.

    I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change.

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