
Has anyone else took a look at the big picture?

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The earth is alive its a liveing breathing creature and we are cutting down the trees like cutting its hair and digging into the bones(rock) takeing out the bone marrow(coal) and pumping out its blood(oil) it breaths threw its geysers and we are an autoimmune disease that we can stop killing it and save it and live peacefully




  1. It will shake us loose one day.....

  2. dont take the gaia hypothesis to quite that level of personification, you will go mad. mother earth is a tough old bird, she will indeed shrug us off like a bout of 'flu.

  3. When the earth gets tired of us it will shrug us off like last winters coat.  Whatever comes after us will dig in it to try to find out what came before and why it disappeared so suddenly. With everything else gone to dust they may wounder if Stonehenge is as advanced as our civilization ever got.

  4. As others have pointed out we are not destroying the earth just making it uninhabitable for humans. When we destroy ourselves the earth will heal and go on it's merry way.

  5. Hey, at least I'm using the earth', farts... to fuel my cars (they run on methane). Better than using oil, eh?

  6. This Earth has been around a long time. It is going to take more then we humans to harm her. Now World War could change this earth. But I think earth will be around long after we are History.

  7. Ok think of it this way.  We can be perfect to mother earth or the human race could survive.  People like you do not understand Earth has survived this long it can survive a million more years.  We have to use natural rescourses and every thing on earth or we would have absolutely nothing.

    No clothes, homes, computers, food, or NOTHING.  

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