
Has anyone encountered a ghost??

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tell me your story if you have. i would love to hear them.




  1. no don't want to kinda believe in them tho

  2. I havent but my pap, aunt, uncle, and i think my cousin have. It used to be at my grandparents house. Their was a lil boy that was killed in front of their house. When my aunt left she took the weegie(sp?) board with her. The ghost also went. She was freaked out and sold the weegie(sp?) board.

  3. my first and scariest encounter was when i was 7 and staying with my nan in italy, in a really old small town.  I wanted to make some pot plants for our balcony and needed some dirt. In the next few days there were workmen digging up part of the road, so my nan went over to them with a bucket and asked them for some dirt, which they filled up her bucket. That night when we went to bed a spirit of some sort of demon came into our room. We were so frozen with fear and all we could do was to watch him go about his business. He didnt hurt us, it was like watching something from the past..This went on all night and heaps of things happened that night..Soon as the sun came up he disappeared, and my nan grabbed the bucket and returned it to the hole and threw the dirt back in. We never saw it again..That night has stayed with me my whole life..Later i found out that there was a really old burial site there, thousand year old or more, and what i recently found out that what i saw actually did exist, they are called nagas. What i saw that night had a body of a huge snake and as tall as a man..Im going back there in a couple of years with other people to see what we can dig up..But that night we dug up his spirit by accident...Since then so many other things have happened that now i research the paranormal

  4. yup, but not a ghost. i'm 68 and the almighty saw fit to have my dad visit me to take care of a bit of unfinished business. he commited suicide and needed to tell me not to blam myself for anything. also my best friend came back as he needed me to take care of a thing for his wife that only he and i knew about. I had a stroke in 2001 and had three angels sent to me after a prayer that helped me live. i've hgad other things happen also such as the ability to "feel" the presence of evil. I'm very blessed even with the loss of my left side. so pray, the big guy likes to know your here and listening..he listens to you and your heart.

  5. Yes, I've encountered several real ghost like entities, that I could see. The very first I think that I really ever saw will be in my mind forever. My mother had died of cancer at the time, and it was a couple months after her funeral when we started getting a dark grey shadowlike form walking the living room. For 2 weeks, I was seeing it walking around, and I got pretty freaked out at the time... After that, there'd be the occassional dark figure that would pop up, but not for a year has there been any activity. Another one was in my boarding school 3 years ago. My (x)girlfriend and I at the time witnessed a very dark apparition go right past us through a wall.. Supposedly, it was the ghost our school tried to exorcise, no joke. He had hung himself in the bell tower almost a 100 years ago, and has haunted people since..... I hope this is some indication of what's out there...

  6. I don't believe in ghosts.  I have never seen one.  However, several of my family members claim to see the ghost of deceased relatives, friends and one pet cat.  They also claim that these "ghosts" were not visions or fantasies, that they were real.  I don't believe them but, if I were to have seen a ghost, that could be me arguing with someone else.

  7. i was out at a local mall having a girls night one night, we were in a restaurant eating and some friends came in to tell me and my bestie that one of our friends had died that morning. that night i totaled my car on my way to a party... a few months later (my first time driving after my accident) i was going to the mall (also for the first time) anyway, i looked in my rear view mirror and there was my friend that had died the night i wrecked my car, he put his hand on my shoulder and all i heard was dont be scared, it wasnt your fault, youll be wont happen again.. i looked up again and he was gone...  i felt completely at peace.. needless to say.. im a terrible driver, but since then i have narrowly avoided accidents, seen accidents that i should have been in if i hadnt hit my brakes seconds before, or passed that swerving car... its like hes watching and taking care of me or something.

    im a believer in those things now, since then we were out riding our 4wheelers and came to an abandoned house, we shut the lights off and went inside, i took pictures of everything that i saw, and there are orbs and faces in almost every picture.. also we were upstairs and heard someone say something downstairs and outside... we looked out a window and saw foot prints and something fuzzy walking into the woods... everyone that was with us was inside and upstairs when it happened.. we all saw it... crazyness but i love it

  8. I encountered a Goat once, now there's something that eats anything!

  9. so-called "ghosts" are actually demons ( see Revelations 12:12)

    remedy - Romans 10:13 (see Psalms 83:18)

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